MECA SENS 2017 Conference

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MECA SENS 2017 continues a series of historic conferences on the evaluation of residual stresses in materials. 

The MECA SENS conference series was initiated in Reims, France in 2000 from where it has since taken place at regular intervals of about two years, alternatively hosted in Europe and countries outside Europe. Past conferences have been held in Australia, various European countries (Austria, France and Germany), Japan, UK, and USA with the most recent meeting having taken place during September 2015 in Grenoble, France.

The conference format facilitates a highly interactive forum for participants to establish collaborative networks, expand their scientific horizons and significantly improve the quality and magnitude of their research programs


Both engineering and scientific aspects of residual stress are considered, including topics such as: 

  • Stress evaluation using neutrons, synchrotron radiation and X-rays
  • Development of measurement methods and instrumentation
  • Material processing with relation to residual stresses
  • The influence of residual stresses on physical and mechanical properties of materials and components
  • Measurement and assessment of residual microstresses and intergranular stresses
  • Residual strains and stresses in complex materials, e.g. multiphase materials and biomaterials
  • Residual stresses in thin films and microcomponents
  • Industrial applications of residual stress analyses using neutrons, synchrotron  radiation and X-rays
  • Complementary techniques for residual stress measurements, e.g. mechanical methods vs. diffraction.
  • Others


Microsymposia during MECA SENS 8 covered the topics:

  • Techniques & Instruments
  • Surface Modification and Coating
  • Microstructure characterisation
  • Deformation & Modelling
  • Fatigue/Creep Plasticity
  • Processing & Welding
  • 3D/4D characterisation
  • Others

An overview of the MECA SENS 8 conference program can be viewed at: