The infusion specialty is not only complex, diverse, and challenging, it is also incredibly rewarding for every nurse and clinician working in it. Expectations are high and the demand for expertise is even higher. To maintain your practice at the highest level, you need access to the highest-quality learning opportunities.
INS 2015 offers an educational program as strong as your dedication to the specialty. At INS 2015, you’ll examine and explore the most important issues affecting the specialty today. With a focus on the eight core areas of infusion therapy, sessions will offer you a breadth of information you won’t find anywhere else.
There’s a lot to choose from at INS 2015. With more than 70 educational sessions taught by infusion experts, you’ll have an opportunity to participate in a range of diverse educational sessions. Choose from sessions that directly relate to the work you’re currently engaged in or broaden your knowledge by attending sessions on topics that are new and different for you.
Attending a national educational meeting is a big commitment, and one that will make a big difference in your continued education and professional development. Take a look at INS 2015’s educational schedule now and make plans to join us in Louisville in May.