2014 Everyone Reading Conference

Professor, Special Education/Learning Disabilities and Chair, Department of Special Education, Member, Advisory Council, Everyone Reading
School of Education, Hunter College, NY, NY
Kate Garnett is Professor in the Department of Special Education at Hunter College, CUNY. Over the past 30+ years, she has led the graduate teacher preparation program in Learning Disabilities. Her HC Learning Lab received a national award for Exemplary LD Program, for its intensive training of special educators and direct service to LD students. Dr. Garnett also designed the special education teacher training program and service model for the Edison Schools, a nationwide network of schools. Most recently, she has partnered with charter school systems (KIPP schools, UnCommon Schools, and Achievement First) and continues that work consulting with Relay GSE. She consults widely on math LD, reading, vocabulary and teaching strategies. She has authored dozens of articles, chapters and monographs on a wide range of LD-related topics. Arithmetic Learning disabilities has been a particular expertise since her early dissertation research and partnership with Jeannette Fleischner at Teachers College, Columbia University.