L156: Tooths Out! Now What? Why GPs Should be Grafting Sockets and Preserving Ridges

Subject: 318 - Bone Grafting/GTR Surgery
Credits: 1 (Lecture)
Saturday, July 15: 9 to 10 a.m.
Repeated: 2 to 3 p.m.
Audience: D, A, ST, R
Fee: $20
Location: Pool Level, Forum 6 - 8
Speaker bio: New Braunfels, TX; Owner dentist, Pacific Dental Services®; faculty, PDS Institute®
Description: This course is designed to introduce dentists to the concept, rationale, and techniques of simple atraumatic tooth extraction and socket preservation bone grafting. Discussion will focus on material selection, case management and profitability. Participants should be able to immediately see the benefits of maintaining hard and soft tissue architecture to achieve more predictable restorative outcomes, as well as an increase in confidence in presenting better treatment options for their patients.

This course is in collaboration with PDS Institute..