L06: Complex Exodontia and Complications of Dentoalveolar Surgery

Subject: 317- Dentoalveolar Surgery
Credits: 3 (Lecture)
Credits: 3 (Lecture)
Friday, July 14: 9 a.m. to noon
Audience: D, H, A, R
Fee: $60
Location: Emperor’s Level, Augustus V
Speaker Bio: Augusta, GA; Associate Professor, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Augusta University.
Description: Stop Struggling with Complex Exodontia; reexamine reliable and trusted surgical tenets and techniques that promote timely and predictable results. It’s always better to avoid than fix. This presentation will also review commonly occurring complications seen with dentoalveolar surgery, with focus on avoidance and management strategies. This presentation will review Complex Exodontia with discussion of key surgical principles and techniques, to include surgical extractions, design and management of mucogingival flaps, and principles of suturing. Additionally, the presentation will review commonly occurring dentoalveolar surgical complications taking place in the pre-operative, peri-operative, and immediate and delayed post-operative periods. Since it’s easier to avoid than fix, suggestions will be presented to review strategies for avoidance of complications as well as management approaches when needed.
Learning objectives:
- Appreciate the need for planning out the treatment to cover the worst case scenario, so that transitions to manage a scenario that becomes complicated, can be smooth, and the treatment can be taken to the appropriate clinical endpoint
- Understand three important principles of exodontia which when used, will allow for the removal of any tooth
- Review the importance of proper armamentarium, instruments and instrument sets
- Review the design and management of full thickness mucogingival flaps
- Review principles of suturing and commonly used suturing techniques

This course is in collaboration with A-Titan