2011 WCO IT Conference and Exhibition



Renee Stein is an attorney specializing in international trade and customs matters. Renee, in her legal practice and as a recently retired director with Microsoft has over thirty years of international trade policy, capacity building, export and import compliance and foreign supply-chain experience. 
Renee has proven expertise in trade policy negotiations, managing programs, building partnerships and implementing global operational and business development. Known as an innovator and a public-private sector consensus builder who consistently exceeds objectives while bringing diverse talents together to achieve complex objectives. Renee has worked closely with the World Customs Organization contributing on several technical committees and was the WCO’s Private Sector Consultative Group first elected President for 2 terms.
As part of the Nathan Associates Team, she was instrumental in the development of the Customs ICT Procurement Guide which was developed as part of the Worldwide Support for Trade Capacity Building (TCBOOST) Project. TCBOOST is a USAID funded project. The Guide contains technical instructions for improving the business environment through adoption of ICT. The Guide provides users with clear steps how to use a transparent procurement process to gain value for my when acquiring a new or upgrading and existing ICT system.