IFIP Pacific Regional Hui, Otaki, New Zealand, 8 - 9 May 2017
Track 1: ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY: fresh water, climate change,
This track will explore indigenous perspectives on climate change and the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities. Presenters are invited to explore water resource issues, permafrost thaw, changes in forests and ecosystems, coastal communities, rhythms of the seasons, environmental change, degradation of water bodies, changes in weather patterns. The range of challenges that indigenous communities are facing in the struggle to preserve livelihoods, health and wellbeing, spirituality, and fresh clean water sources for our great-grandchildren are some of the issues that can be presented here.

This track will focus on Indigenous perspectives of food sovereignty and food security. Presenters will explore indigenous practices in growing food for families and its impact on family wellbeing, organics, natural gardening methods, the healing impacts of growing food and caring for the earth. Intergenerational practices and developing gardens in pre-schools and schools can be explored.

The survival and revival of indigenous languages is a key theme for indigenous peoples and particularly notable in Ōtaki where education sites of significance can be visited during the conference. Preservation of sacred knowledge and sacred sites is an important theme. The valuable place of elders in our communities and the transmission of knowledge from elders to younger generations are also the focus of this meeting.


Indigenous Development and self-determining practices have led to exciting advancements in indigenous communities. In this track presenters are invited to share their experiences and successes in making effective gains for their communities. Youth development, education and reclaiming of traditional knowledge are some of the themes that will be explored.

Guidelines for Submissions

We encourage creative proposals that will result in interactive sharing and opportunity for collaboration. We promote the opportunity to develop shared visions so we can work together for the advancement of indigenous practices and knowledge development.

A session presentation will be 15-20 minutes with 10 minutes for questions. Each session is facilitated.

Criteria for Selection
  • Innovative
  • Relate to conference themes
  • Based on Indigenous perspectives

Submission Process

Send to: Rachael Selby Email: rachaelselbyifipnz@gmail.com

Your submission must include the following:

1. Name and title of presenter(s)
2. Affiliation: Name of indigenous community, University/ Agency/Organisation
3. Address, Phone, Email for lead presenter
4. Title of the Presentation (limit to 12 words)
5. Summary/Abstract (limit to 100 words)
6. Brief biography of each presenter maximum of 150 words for each person.