Groningen Declaration Network Annual Meeting 2019

Eighth Annual Groningen Declaration Network Meeting

The Eighth Annual Groningen Declaration Network (GDN) Meeting will be held in the city of Puebla, Mexico, from 24 to 26 April 2019, for the first time since its establishment as a bilingual event, with simultaneous interpretation being offered in English and Spanish, under the theme:

Creating the New World for Academic and Professional Mobility
Creando el Nuevo Mundo para la Movilidad Académica y Profesional

Participants of the Groningen Declaration Network from across the globe will convene at the Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP), located in the iconic UNESCO world heritage city of Puebla.

Click here to read the invitation to attend from our local host, Dr Emilio José Baños Ardavin, President of UPAEP.

Come help construct the Global Digital Credentialing Ecosystem, by participating in the world’s most comprehensive organic cross-section of sectors and stakeholders

More than 80 organisations from twenty seven countries have signed the Groningen Declaration, which aims to enhance student mobility and provide credential integrity and security for digital student academic data globally, and at the moment of writing, a further 15+ new organisations are slated to sign at the GDN annual meeting in Puebla.

Quoted in the recently issued UNESCO report Digital Credentialing: Implications for the recognition of learning across borders as probably being one of the main convenors in the Digital Credentialing Ecosystem, the Groningen Declaration Network has been promoting the vision that UNESCO urgently calls for in its report, “to reach a common international approach where all aspects of a person’s learning are electronically documented, authenticated and can be accessed at any time and anywhere, shared and amended by the owner or by an authorized party”. UNESCO deems such convenors crucially important: “This is also the most critical [sector]. International agencies such as UNESCO and the (…) OECD have a role to play, and increasingly so do open communities and networks that have developed organically and comprise an eclectic mix of actors. The role of the convenors in the digital credential ecosystems is key in this respect”. And UNESCO sees the GDN as performing that role alongside UNESCO itself, the World Bank, the OECD, the European Commission, the African Development Bank and government agencies. The report concludes with the suggestion that UNESCO “consider adopting, in partnership with other organizations, a chart regarding “open learners’ records”’ in the context of the forthcoming recommendation on OERs”.

Make sure to register now for what is poised to be a stimulating event, featuring thought-provoking keynote addresses, workshops, case studies and roundtable discussions, along with ample time for networking and connecting with colleagues from all over the world.

A range of
registration fees are available to cater for delegates from corporations, educational institutions and not for profit organisations, with reduced rates for attendees from low human development indexed countries .