The distribution of the gravitating and baryonic mass in galaxy clusters is the key ingredient to use galaxy clusters as astrophysical laboratories and cosmological probes. We propose to discuss this issue in a conference that will be focused mainly on the following items:
- the reconstruction of the cluster mass profiles from the core to the virial radius through X-ray, SZ, optical, strong and weak lensing techniques;
- the use of the observable quantities as proxies of the gravitating mass;
- the mapping of the physical properties of the cluster outskirts;
- the estimates of the systematics affecting mass reconstruction and cosmological implications of these measurements.
Registration Fee
The fee includes: coffee breaks, one conference dinner ticket, conference bag and conference material.
- After that date, the registration fee will be 350 Euros (VAT included).
Important deadlines
Registration reduced fee 31st December 2012
Abstract submission 15th February 2013
Review talks by:
A. Biviano, S. Borgani, J.P. Kneib, H. Hoekstra, D. Marrone, B. Maughan, S. Molendi
Invited talks by:
N. Battaglia, B. Benson, M. Brodwin, D. Buote, D. Coe, D. Eckert, S. Gottloeber, M.Kawaharada, A. Mantz, T. Marriage, P. Mazzotta, M. Meneghetti, A. Morandi, D. Newman, G. Pratt, E. Rasia, T. Reiprich, K. Rines, G. Smith, F. Pacaud, A. von der Linden.
Scientific Organizing CommitteeM. Bartelmann (Institut fur Theoretische Astrophysik, Un. Heidelberg) M. Bradac (Un. of California Davis) H. Dahle (Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, Un. of Oslo) S. Ettori (INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico Bologna, co-chair) H. Hoekstra (Leiden Observatory) A. Kravtsov (KAVLI, Un. of Chicago) M. Limousin (CNRS-Laboratoire de Astrophysique Marseille) D. Marrone (Steward Observatory, Un. of Arizona) M. Meneghetti (INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico Bologna, co-chair) S. Molendi (INAF-IASF Milano) N. Ota (Nara Women's University) E. Pointecouteau (CNRS-IRAP Toulouse) T. Reiprich (Institut fur Astronomie, Un. Bonn) R. Schmidt (Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, Heidelberg) Local organizing committee M.Tusa - R. Govoni (CSR Congressi, - ) C. Giocoli (Un. of Bologna) M. Roncarelli (Un. of Bologna)