Mobile App
The Fire-Rescue Canada Mobile App provides real time access to all Conference & Exhibit Hall details! Keep all the information you need in your pocket, including interactive floor plans, programming, speakers and much more! Download it now!
Be sure to take part in the Exhibit Hall Engagement Contest for your chance to win a complimentary registration for Fire-Rescue Canada 2020 or a complimentary 1-year CAFC Membership. This game is designed to be fun and simple, encouraging everyone to get engaged with exhibitors, sponsors and other delegates. If you haven’t downloaded the app in advance, you can do so using the complimentary Wi-Fi on-site.
Download the Mobile App
Using your mobile device
Using your mobile device
Search the App Store or Google Play for 'Aventri Events' and Download it
Enter the Access Code: 136938
Select the Fire-Rescue Canada 2019 Event and sign in.
LOGIN - Email you used to register
PASSWORD - Last Name
*Note that sign in information is case sensitive and if another registered for you, you will need a unique email address on file to sign in.
LOGIN - Email you used to register
PASSWORD - Last Name
*Note that sign in information is case sensitive and if another registered for you, you will need a unique email address on file to sign in.
If you're having any issues downloading or signing in, please contact
What Can the Mobile App Do?
Use this module to navigate through the Fire-Rescue Canada program with ease! Click on a session to see the description, location and speakers. From there you can navigate to see speaker profiles and floor plans, leave a session rating or add a particular session to your personal program!
Personal Program
Don’t want to miss out on specific sessions or events? Add sessions to your personal program by visiting the Program icon, clicking on a session and selecting ‘Add-> Personal Program’. Any sessions you selected during registration will appear in this area as well!Engagement Contest
This is a game designed to get you to network and interact with all of our exhibitors, sponsors and delegates! By participating in this contest and completing all of the challenges, you will be entered into a draw to win a Complimentary Registration to FRC 2020 or a Complimentary 1-year CAFC Membership!Floor Plan
View the Exhibit Hall Floor Plan or find your session room at the Hyatt!
Using the location icon in the corner you can select your ‘to’ and ‘from’ locations within the Exhibit Hall and a highlighted route will appear to get you from one booth to the next! Click anywhere on the map to view a booth or session room and see where they are located.Sponsors & Exhibitors
Browse our Sponsor and Exhibitor listing so you don’t miss anyone you’re hoping to connect with.
Click on the company name to view their company profile, access contact info and find out where their booth is located!Speakers
For your convenience you can view all of our speakers and their biographies.
Click on a speaker to see which sessions they’re participating in. You can also leave a speaker rating and comment!Delegates
Don’t miss out on connecting with the 2019 delegates. Search or sort by company name to make sure you meet with all the right people. Click on a specific attendee to send them a message through the app.My Profile
Add information to your profile along with a picture of yourself so others can put a face to a name!Activity Feed
Stay connected and see what everyone is saying about FRC in one convenient location! You can add your own posts, photos and comments to network and keep in touch throughout the event! Be sure to hashtag #FRC2019 with each post!
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