Fire Leadership Challenge 2019
What is COLS?
COLS stands for Company Officer Leadership Symposium.

Colorado is currently the only state chiefs conference offering this course with the belief that leadership training starts with firefighters aspiring to be company officers and continues on long after you become a chief.

There are 3 levels to the COLS program. This is a great opportunity to hear from experienced presenters tackling important topics. The courses in the program meet the Job Performance Requirements (JPRs) of NFPA 1021 and the program is backed by the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC). All participants will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the week and contact hours for the courses attended.

Firefighters/Company Officers: Initiate the conversation! Express your interest in developing your leadership skills. Chiefs are often waiting for those who seek out professional development to show their interest.

Chiefs: Succession planning starts with leadership development of your future officers. Make sure you preparing your department for growth by investing in young talent.