Sajel Bellon
On behalf of the Canadian Positive Psychology
Association (CPPA), I am thrilled to officially announce that we are hosting
our 3rd Canadian Conference on Positive Psychology: Exhilarate 2016. Over the
past six years, the CPPA has grown and evolved extending its educational
opportunities across the country and around the globe, enhancing our
professional profile and strategic partnerships. We feel privileged to have you
supporting our journey and being a part of our success. Without you none of
this would be possible.
We are so proud to be hosting Exhilarate 2016 at one the finest Niagara region facilities: The White Oaks Conference Centre & Spa on June 15th-17th, 2016. We hope you will truly make the most of the opportunity by enjoying the popular sites of Niagara Falls, alongside of all our exciting conference and special events we are planning.
We are honoured and privileged to be able to host a conference with world renowned keynotes and invited speakers. Our growing reputation is attracting high profile experts within positive psychology community sharing the latest information and findings. Please go to CPPA - Conference for more information about our Conference and CPPA - Call for Proposals for more information about our Call for Proposals and submission process.
As the Conference Chair of Exhilarate 2016, I know that the success of any conference depends ultimately on the many people who work along with us in planning and organizing over the course of the 2 years to put together an extraordinary experience. If you would like to be a part of this amazing team, please contact to join the CPPA Ambassador Program. Your time and talents are so valuable and appreciated by the positive psychology community.
I, personally, would like to invite you to participate in our Conference and extend my utmost gratitude to all of you who are making Exhilarate 2016 a possibility. I am so utterly excited to…LEARN IT, LIVE IT with you!