Unfortunately we have not received enough registrations for the tours and therefore had to cancel most of the tours. The tour below is still available to book through our online reservation system.

The Hague, Thursday April 3: 10.00-14.00 hr
The Hague, the royal residence, has been the political heart of the Netherlands for many centuries. The city will be introduced to you during an in-depth city tour by coach. The tour will take you through the stately historic city center with the parliament buildings of Binnenhof, which form an intrigiung contrast to the architecture of modern governmental offices. From here we go to the Peace Palace and through the embassy quarter. We will have a guided tour at the Prison Gate museum. The Prison Gate museum's history stretches back seven centuries,and it is among the top 100 most important monuments in the Netherlands. Over the centuries famous and less well-known prisoners, from regents to poor wretches, have been incarcerated here. They have included, among others, Cornelis de Witt, accuesed of conspiring against William III of Orange, and Abraham de Wiquefort, the 17th century's answer to James Bond. On the judges' orders, these prisoners were regularly punished in the torture chamber. Despite its rather gruesome history as a prison and place of torture, a visit to the Prison Gate Museum is a unique historical experience. During a tour of the Prison Gate, you will discover all there is to know about the building's remarkable history, the punishments,  and life in the cells.
Price: € 42 per person