Measuring the Return on Investment in Maternal and Child Health Programs
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DataSpeak Registration
Measuring the Return on Investment in 
Maternal and Child Health Programs
10/17/2013 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Eastern Time


Agenda Item
2:00pm Welcome, Overview, and Program Logistics
Gopal K. Singh, PhD, MS, MSc
Senior Epidemiologist/Health Care Administrator
Office of Epidemiology and Research
Division of Epidemiology
Maternal and Child Health Bureau

Sarah Lifsey, MPP

DataSpeak Moderator
Maternal and Child Health Information Resource Center
2:05pm Showing Value in MCH Programs: Economic Evaluation Methods and
Case Studies
Scott Grosse, PhD
Associate Director, Health Services Research and Evaluation
Division of Blood Disorders
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
2:25pm Benefit-Cost Analysis in Public
 Policy: A Case Study From
Washington State
Stephanie Lee
Senior Research Associate
Washington State Institute for Public Policy
2:45pm Health Impact of Local MCH Program Funding in California Ricardo Basurto-Dávila, PhD, MSc
Health Economist
Office of Health Assessment and Epidemiology
County of Los Angeles Public Health
3:05pm Question and Answers Sarah Lifsey, MPP
DataSpeak Moderator
Maternal and Child Health Information Resource Center
3:30pm Adjourn