Emerging Themes in Global Health Education
Thursday April 6th, 2017
1:00pm - 5:30pm
Room: Columbia 8/11/12
Washington Hilton Hotel - Dupont Circle
Washington, DC
Registration is free but required. Registration for this session is separate from registration for the 8th Annual CUGH Conference.
(opens a new window)
CUGH Education Committee
At the end of the session, participants will learn about and have opportunity to discuss….
• Current work regarding GH competencies, their availabilities, uses, and priorities for further development
• Recently developed materials for use in pre-departure training and orientation
• Current efforts to monitor and project likely changes in the market for GH workers
• The newly created Global Health Implementation Network (GHLN), and its efforts to promote sharing of best practices among GH program directors
• Trainee efforts to promote and extend their engagement in the activities of CUGH
• Current availability of GH educational materials on the internet; types, accessibility, potential gaps, and recommendations for improvement
• Common challenges in establishing new academic global health educational programs and the impact of CUGH's mentorship program, the Global Health Program Advisory Service (GHPAS), in addressing these challenges.
• Review elements in creating effective bidirectional partnerships on a programmatic level
Moderator: Anvar Velji
1:00 - 1:10pm
1. (1:10 pm - 1:20 pm)
Making the Global to Local Link in Academia: Concepts and Models (Virginia Rowthorn)
The objective of the presentation is to provide the audience with a brief overview of a growing movement in global health education
to make a purposeful link between global health initiatives and local
(domestic) health and community engagement.
is the Guest Editor for an upcoming Annals
of Global Health supplemental edition on Global/Local Initiatives. The supplement will contain 14 articles
written by global health educators (many of whom are members of the CUGH
Education Committee). The articles
describe a range of initiatives educators are undertaking to help students and
trainees recognize the value of bi-directional learning and the importance of
providing care and conducting research in a way that supports vulnerable
members of society wherever they may be.
2. (1:20 pm - 1:30 pm)
Partnerships for Building Capacity: Exploring the Diverse Power of Communities in Sharing Best Practices through Networks (Andrew Dykens)
There is a significant human resources
deficit in the health care sector in low-income nations. There exists abundant evidence of the affordable,
life-saving interventions effective in these resource limited settings.
However, the understanding of how to deliver those interventions in diverse
settings and the capacity to do so are limited. Universities commonly
collaborate with other academic institutions, communities and health system
partners but common barriers exist. We will explore ways of expanding networks beyond current models. How do
university partners in HICs and LMICs involve a wider net of partners to
facilitate systems strengthening approaches? How could CUGH support existing
networks and create opportunities for sharing best practices at all levels? How
can resources best be shared to overcome the human resources deficit?
3. (1:30 pm - 1:40 pm)
GH Master's and an Undergraduate Degree (Asti Doobay-Persaud and Paul Drain)
The speakers will provide an
overview of the global health Undergraduate Master’s programs. They will
discuss current curricula, pedagogy, shared resources and goals of these
degrees programs and finally the challenges in assessment and evaluation.
Opportunities to collaborate with the subcommittee as it works to create
curricular toolkits, assessment tools and pedagogical resources will also be
4. (1:40 pm - 1:50 pm)
Workforce Subcommittee (Quentin Eichbaum / Bill Cherniak)
The speakers will present: (i)
Results of a USAID-funded study on recent global health graduate trainees' job
search experience; (ii) Progress on other studies currently being conducted;
(iii) Perspectives on job opportunities and workforce issues in global health. These presentations will be used to generate discussion on challenges
related to global workforce training and job-related issues.
5. (1:50 pm - 2:00 pm)
Mentorship for Global Health Educators - the CUGH program Advisory Service (GHPAS) (Jonathan Ripp)
The speaker will address common challenges faced in
developing global health educational programs in the academic setting. Selected
representatives from the most recent cohort of the CUGH Program Advisory
Service (GHPAS) will discuss their individual cases and the strategies they
adopted to address program development issues through GHPAS' mentorship
process. Both mentors and advisees will be present to report their experience
with the program. GHPAS leadership will also provide a summary of the
evaluation of the program's most recent cohort in addition to discussing
proposed GHPAS offerings for the year to follow,
6. (2:00 pm - 2:10 pm)
Global Health and Graduate Medical Education: From Outlier to Mainstream (James Hudspeth)
The speaker will: review the changing state of global health programs in US and
Canadian graduate medical education (GME); discuss ongoing initiatives within CUGH around GME; begin a dialogue around GME in low-resource settings, and the
potential for increased connections between HIC and LMIC around this topic
2:10 pm - 3:00 pm | Health Break & Networking
7. (3:00 pm - 3:10 pm)
Practitioner's Guide to Global Health (Janis Tupesis / Gabriella Jacquet)
The speakers will present the most recent
data from The Practitioner’s Guide to Global Health: a series of 3 edX
MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses) that have been written by global health
experts from many institutions and specialties in an attempt to improve safety,
ethics, and sustainability for undergraduates, graduate students, medical
trainees and volunteers interested in participating in global health rotations
and projects. This timeline-based series of 3 courses include video interviews,
interactive case scenarios, and a discussion forum. They culminate with a
scored activity that can be used for tracking preparation achievements and
8. (3:10 pm - 3:20 pm)
Utilizing Emerging Educational Tools (Erica Frank)
CUGH's Educational Products Subcommittee (EPS) and NextGenU.org
are collaborating to provide the world's first free, accredited medical and
public health education. For this purpose, the EPS is conducting an internet
search to identify existing curricula and courses. CUGH's EPS, NextGenU.org,
and other partners will conjointly provide further trainings such as the
Pre-Departure Global Health Training, a Population Health course, and full residency
programs in Preventive Medicine, Family Medicine, and Pediatrics. This
session will demonstrate how to use these powerful educational tools to share
learning resources globally.
9. (3:20 pm - 3:30 pm)
Global Health Competencies (Jessica Evert)
Global Health competencies are
a critical educational framework, yet they are not without controversies.
This portion of the day will provide an overview of CUGH's competency work,
including Interprofessional competencies, levels of proficiency for trainees,
and host perspectives of competencies. A toolkit launched in Fall 2016 is
a need-to-know resource for building curricular content to support competency
10. (3:30 pm - 3:40 pm)
Trainee Advisory Committee (Jiabin Shen)
Advisory Committee (TAC) has significantly expanded its existing projects and
initiated new projects that bridge CUGH and world-wide trainees in global
health. TAC has greatly increased its social media presence and has
successfully launched a brand new trainee program named 'Campus Representative
Program' as part of our non-TAC trainee involvement initiative. Approved by
CUGH Secretariat, this Campus Rep Program now has 42 trainee members that
represent forty-two CUGH member institutions in global health. TAC has been
actively engaging with Campus Reps with the aim to strengthen the bridge between
CUGH and global trainees. TAC has refined its internal organization and working
methods, with whole TAC meeting held every two months, and small-group meetings
held in between as needed. This working method has greatly improved the
efficiency within TAC, including the new membership applications. Finally, TAC
has also been actively involved in CUGH advocacy initiative, CUGH website
design, Young Speakers' Bureau, and most importantly event planning for the
2017 CUGH conference
(3:40 - 4:30 pm) | Round
Table Topic Discussions based on all presentations
4.30-5. 30: Where to next with global health education- Top
priorities (Quentin Eichbaum | Jessica Evert )
In this final session we will invite each of the previous
speakers to state briefly and specifically what they believe should be among
the highest priority activities relevant to improving global health education.
Priorities can be related to any of the many topics and activities subsumed
under “global health education,” e.g., products, competencies, methods,
standards, courses, resources, training and trainers, partnerships. In
identifying top priorities presenters are asked to reflect on the entire field
of global health education and not just the topic area they addressed.