Poster and Abstract Guidelines |
To accommodate students in various stages of the research process, we use the following abstract submission timeline.
Abstracts are required at the time of registration; however, they may be submitted as a draft or a final abstract. Draft abstracts must include the title, college and author names.
Please use the below deadlines for final abstract submission.
October 26, 2018 Final abstracts submitted by this date are guaranteed to be included in the printed Colloquium publication and considered for the Best Abstract Award. Draft abstract submitted by this date will have title and authors only in the printed colloquium publication and will not be considered for the Best Abstract Award.
November 9, 2018 Final abstracts submitted by this date are guaranteed to be considered for the Best Abstract Award and will not be printed in the Colloquium publication.
Abstracts should be no more than 250 words in length
Abstracts must be submitted at time of registration
Abstract must include student name, school name and poster title
Final abstracts will be printed as submitted
Posters should be no larger than 3ft x 4ft
Poster should include the NSF award number NSF#1524353
Poster Templates (please feel free to use one of the below templates or design your own)
Oral Presentations
Presentations should be no more than 15 minutes in length
Presentations should be given using Microsoft Office PowerPoint
Students should bring presentations on a flash drive
Abstract Award
CCURI will judge all submitted abstracts and award one abstract with the CCURI Best Abstract Award. The judging rubric can be found here
Faculty Presentations
We invite faculty to give 20 minute presentations on topics relating to undergraduate research, problem based learning and creative activities. Presentation space will be awarded on a first come first serve basis.

Winners of the CCURI Spring 2016 Colloquium Best Abstract Award Bianca Mendonca and Erin Pena from Del Mar College