BINI 2015 Conference Registration Fees

Please note, accommodation is not included in the registration fee. However it may be booked through the BINI 2015 Conference Registrations site. For further information regarding rates, click here.
BINI 2015 Full Conference Registration Includes:
- Attendance to the conference session
- Access to the Exhibition Area
- Conference Pack
- Tea/Coffee Breaks
- Lunches
- Casual Dinner on Friday and the official Conference Dinner on Saturday
BINI 2015 One Day Registration Includes:
- Attendance to One Day of the Conference
- Access to the Exhibition Area
- Conference Pack
- Tea/Coffee Breaks
- Lunch on the 16th or the 17th
There will be a dedicated Industry Session held at 11am on Friday, the 16th of January. This session is aimed at Master students and above and will comprise of three components: a poster session, a career session and finally a keynote lecture. The session is free of charge. For further information, click here