Your itinerary is assembled via our appointment system. A few weeks before the event, you will select the conference sessions you wish to attend and the sponsors (economic developers) you want to meet. Only with your acceptance will a meeting be scheduled. Typically you will spend 50% of your time in conference.
Your itinerary will be broken down as follows:
- One to One meetings: These 25-minute meetings are held in the lounge area occupied by the sponsor company. Sponsors remain in their meeting area for the business hours of the day and Delegates circulate to meetings.
- Mealtime meetings: Mealtimes are part of the meeting itinerary and Delegates’ table seating will be determined by our matching system and based on preferences.
- Networking meetings.
- Conference sessions: Delegates will spend a portion of their time in a variety of keynotes, seminars, workshops, and think tanks.
- Ad Hoc Meetings: Free time at the event is limited. However, some time is available to arrange ad hoc meetings with Delegates, sponsors, speakers, as requested.