*You must be registered for Member’s Day in order to participate! If you have not registered for the conference, you may do so here.
OPENS May 2, 2016 12:00 noon Eastern
CLOSES May 10, 2016 9:00 pm Eastern
IMPORTANT NOTE: There will be no same-day sign-ups. Once the lottery is closed on May 10, you will have no other opportunity to sign up for Client Connections!
Using this registration form, enter your email and confirmation number sent to you when you registered for the conference. Then, follow instructions to select and rank your editor/agent choices. You may review or change your selections (until signup ends on May 10, 2016 9:00 pm Eastern – if you are registered for the event.
You can enter a minimum of 1 choice, maximum of 10, for a total of 10 possible appointments. Please take care while making your selections that your skills and experience match what the buyer has specified and that you request appointments only with people you are genuinely interested in meeting.
There is NO advantage to signing up early. All selections made during this sign up period have an equal chance for an appointment. And there are no guarantees; remember, this is a lottery.
Please remember: Client Connections appointments are business meetings. Your appointments take priority over other activity at the time. Make your selections with this in mind.
Have questions? Client Connections FAQs