2017 PDD | Continuing Certification Requirements - PDUs

PDU Reporting for PDD

PMI Talent Triangle®
The ideal skill set — the PMI Talent Triangle® — is a combination of technical, leadership, and strategic and business management expertise.

Knowledge, skills and behaviors specific to leadership-oriented, cross-cutting skills that help an organization achieve its business goals.

Technical Project Management
Knowledge, skills and behaviors related to specific domains of Project, Program and Portfolio Management.

Strategic and Business Management
Knowledge of and expertise in the industry or organization that enhances performance and better delivers business outcomes.
Education Days
PMI-MN takes attendance at each education class and automatically reports your PDUs for you! Single day classes earn 7 PDUs and 2-day classes earn 14 PDUs, upon successful completion of each class. New this year: 7 hour classes with the opportunity to earn one additional PDU for attending the daily Endnote, for a total of 8 PDUs for the day..

Note: Please allow 7 days for PDUs to appear on your CCR dashboard.
Symposium Day PDUs for all Symposium Day sessions are self-reported. 1 PDU is earned for each track session attended, as well as the Endnote presentation. 1.5 PDUs are earned for attending the Keynote presentation. Instructions will be available in the Symposium Proceedings provided to attendees.