On behalf of the Organising Committee, welcome to the 39th Annual Aviation Law Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference, “Gaining Altitude”, being held in Sydney, Australia.
The unprecedented challenges we have all experienced over the past 3 years has changed the way we live, work, travel, and importantly, fly. Against this background, we have developed a diverse conference program which will explore how the aviation industry is once again “Gaining Altitude” in the face of continuing and emerging health, economic, environmental and geopolitical risks.
ALAANZ is very fortunate to have many local and global aviation industry leaders who will provide presentations and participate as panellists representing various disciplines across the industry including domestic and international airlines, aircraft manufacturers, airports, the government, regulatory authorities, insurers, brokers, loss adjusters and aviation start-ups.
This is the first ALAANZ conference to be held since 2019 following the hiatus caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and is incredibly the 39th conference since the establishment of ALAANZ in 1980. This presents an exciting opportunity for the aviation community to get together in person and enjoy some of the best locations and hospitality Sydney has to offer.
The ALAANZ conference is always a wonderful opportunity to meet and network with others practicing in and passionate about the field of aviation law. We look forward to welcoming you at the Kimpton Margot for what is sure to be a wonderful event.
Keira Nelson – ALAANZ Conference Committee Chair