Sponsorship opportunities
ACCAN 2015 is being organised by the Australian Institute
of Criminology in partnership with the New Zealand Ministry of Social
Development with valuable input from the Vulnerable Children’s Board.
Organisers expect up to 500 Australasian and
International attendees and sponsorship allows higher visibility and prominence
for your organisation in this conference context.
The theme, Cultural
responsiveness in a multi-agency world, recognises the complexities of
child abuse and neglect and the need to engage across sectors, agencies,
communities and professions to best prevent and address child maltreatment.
ACCAN 2015 provides a unique opportunity to engage
practitioners, researchers, policy makers and others from, Australia , New
Zealand and internationally. The Conference will examine and discuss effective
child abuse prevention systems and explore innovations in prevention and
intervention - from community-based, community-led programs to indigenous
initiatives and practices, therapeutic health and family interventions,
statutory child protection services and criminal justice responses.
A primary conference objective is to encourage the
exchange of ideas and practices and the development of friendships,
professional exchanges and linkages for delegates and agencies from
Australia,New Zealand, and beyond,
furthering the essential multi-agency purpose and resolve of the conference.
Further, there will be a focus on the development of a ‘shared understanding’ between those of different professional backgrounds, cultures and geographical locations, and identifying approaches and solutions that may be adapted and used across different communities.
Download the Sponsorship Prospectus to view all the opportunities available.
For the electronic sponsorship form, please click here. (Form also available on last page of sponsorship prospectus).