Moana Eruera & Dr Leland A Ruwhiu (NZ), Principal Advisors Māori, Child, Youth and Family
ADDRESS: Nā Te Rauroha, nā Te Rangiātea i tuku iho ... Tiaki mokopuna
Actioning Transformative States of Māori Child Welfare in New Zealand
As Principal advisors Māori, for New Zealand's Child Youth and Family services, Ms Eruera and Dr Ruwhiu work closely with a wide range of leaders and agencies to implement an indigenous and bi-cultural practice framework to guide all aspects of Child, Youth and Family’s work with mokopuna and whānau Māori (Māori children and families).
Moana Eruera M. Phil (Social Work), Registered Social Worker NZ, MANZASW, Tangata Whenua Social Worker Association (TWASWA)
He uri tenei nō Ngāpuhi nui tonu, nō Ngāti Ruanui, nō Ngāti Rangiwewehi.
Moana has more than 25 years experience in social and
community work and and Iwi projects. She has published a number of
articles and reports on indigenous social work and research. Her working
career and vision has been spent committed to mokopuna/child safety and
wellbeing, social work and social justice, human rights and the
development of Maori and indigenous people.
Moana is of Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Ruanui, Ngāti Rangiwewehi
whakapapa and Scottish/Irish descent lines. She is the eldest of 3 girls,
proud Mother of 2 boys (and many other whanau she cares for) an active member
of her whānau, hapu and iwi.
Dr Leland A Ruwhiu, PhD. Social Policy & Social
Work, BSW (Hons), MANZASW, Registered Social Worker New Zealand,
Foundation member of Tangata Whenua Social Worker Association (TWASWA)
& Tangata Whenua Voices in Social Work (TWVISW)
He whakairo whakapapa o ngā iwi – Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Kahungūnu, Ngāi Tahu ki Mohaka.
31 years of carving out a critical voice for Indigenous social work in
Aotearoa, has been balanced by raising a whānau and maintaining a lived
experience in all aspects of wellbeing – a theorist, a poet, a
writer/researcher, and innovator, a thinker and most of all a