14th Australasian Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect

Keynote Speakers

Professor Kate Morris (U.K.), Director, Centre for Social Work, University of Nottingham

ADDRESS: Exercising care: families, risk and responsibility

Professor Kate Morris is a qualified social worker who worked extensively in care and protection before moving into social work education and research. She was a founder member of the group that developed the use of family decision making in the UK, and has continued to research and write about family participation.

In 2009 she led the literature review that informed the UK governments 'Think Family' policy stream and in 2012 led a unique study of family involvement in serious case reviews.

She is currently working with the Family Rights Group and Professor Brid Featherstone to develop a new alliance between families and practitioners that seeks to challenge and change policy and practice responses to highly vulnerable families.

Kate is chair of the UK Social Work Education Committee and sits on the Professional Assembly of the College of Social Work.