Goal setting
Before you start your 10-week Challenge, it’s important to identify the specific aspects of your lifestyle you’re going to change. Goals need to be clear and achievable. You don’t have to change everything at once.
1 - Visit your GP
2 - Complete a snapshot of where you are at now3 - Select your short term goals
Now that you have decided what you want to achieve at the end of 10 weeks, it’s time to set smaller and easily achieved short term goals that will lead you on your way to achieve your long-term goal. View the sub-goals relating to your chosen long-term goal.
4 - Future goals
At the end of the 10-week program, don’t let your enthusiasm fade away. Write yourself some goals for the future. What changes would you like to maintain? What are some new changes you’d like to make? What do you want to have achieved by the end of 2011?
Tips for goal setting
Specific | outline exactly what you want to achieve |
Measurable | get to know your numbers from your GP and note what your lifestyle habits are at the beginning of the Challenge and set a goal for how this needs to change over the 10 weeks |
Attainable | make sure you can achieve what you want to |
Realistic |
take small steps at first so you can maintain the changes after the 10-week Challenge |
Timely |
start small and then work up to your ultimate goal over the 10 weeks, so you can sustain the change long-term |