Hotel Information |

24-hour ATW Airport Shuttle:
To ensure quality ATW shuttle service, please let the hotel know in advance if you will need airport transportation. Contact the hotel in advance with your flight information, including arrival time, flight number, carrier and name, so the hotel can track your flight. Additionally, please call the hotel's main line at +1 (920) 733-8000 when you land or while waiting at baggage claim so the shuttle driver can coordinate a pick-up. The shuttle may already be on-site at the airport or in transit, however, guests will be updated accordingly.
The City of Appleton owns and manages the two, multi-level covered parking ramps that are attached to the hotel via skywalks on each of the third floors. Both ramps charge a flat fee of $2.00 upon entry with no charge for departure. The hotel recommends guests use the front (College Ave.) entrance for loading and unloading as it is easier to access the hotel with multiple items there rather than using the side entrance or the parking ramp, which has an escalator that brings you down to the lobby. Overnight street parking is not allowed from 2 to 5 a.m., so utilizing the attached ramps is the best option.