as of January 2, 2017
Presented on Tuesday, January 10, 2017 - 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Presented on Tuesday, January 10, 2017 - 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Development and Current Status of the GEMMACH-Global Modelling System at the Environment
Chen, Jack | Environment and Climate Change Canada
Ozone assimilation and its impact on temperature forecasting
de Grandpré, Jean | Environment and Climate Change Canada
Impact of North American Forest Fire Emissions on the Arctic Atmospheric Composition in Summer Time
Gong, Wanmin | Environment and Climate Change Canada
Multi-Criteria Geospatial Analysis for Mapping Social-economic Vulnerability to Air Quality and Heat Stress
Li, Qian | Network Design Unit, Monitoring and Data Services, Meterological Service of Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Atmospheric Chemistry Reactions in a Turbulent Flow: Application to an Urban Environment
Li, Cathy Wing Yi | Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany
Extending Canadian operational air quality forecasts from 48 hours to 72 hours using the Regional Air Quality Deterministic Prediction System (RAQDPS)
Ménard, Sylvain | Environment and Climate Change Canada
Recent Advances in WRF-Chem/DART: A Regional Chemical Transport/Ensemble Kalman Filter Data Assimilation System
Mizzi, Arthur | National Center for Atmospheric Research/Atmospheric Chemistry Observations and Modeling Laboratory (NCAR/ACOM)
Multi-Year (2013-2016) Performance Evaluation of FireWork Wildfire PM Forecasts for North America
Munoz-Alpizar, Rodrigo | Air Quality Modeling Applications Section, Environment and Climate Change Canada
An Assessment of Community Multiscale Air Quality Model Performance of Oxides of Nitrogen, Reactive Oxidized Nitrogen, and Ozone over Rural and Urban New York State during summer 2015
Ninneman, Matthew | Atmospheric Sciences Research Center, University at Albany, State University of New York
Forecasting Long-Range Transport of Wildfire Smoke in North America with the FireWork Air Quality Forecast System
Pavlovic, Radenko | Environment and Climate Change Canada
Status, Current Developments, and Perspectives of ECCC's Operational AQ Forecasting System with Near-Real-Time Wildfire Emissions
Pavlovic, Radenko | Environment and Climate Change Canada
The impact of chemical lateral boundary conditions on regional forecasting of surface ozone during stratospheric intrusions
Pendlebury, Diane | Environment and Climate Change Canada
PROGNOS; A new MSC initiative to renew the operational statistical post-processing infrastructure
Teakles, Andrew | Meteorological Service of Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Microclimate Variability of Select Toronto Neighbourhoods Under Hot Summertime Conditions
Wiechers, Timothy | University of Western Ontario
Improvements to the Regional Deterministic Operational Air Quality Analysis System for Surface Pollutants including AQHI at the Canadian Meteorological Center
Zaitseva, Yulia | Canadian Meteorological Centre
The program component will be presented in english.