stefan mumaw
"Working in a creative profession means signing up for super-crazy-exhilarating-frustrating-exciting days surrounded by wacky individuals—some of whom are your kind of wacky, others who are the straight-up WRONG kind. That’s why everyone—from the mightiest battle-scarred creative director to the fresh-out-of-college, starry-eyed baby designer—needs to attend an event like HOW Design Live once a year. "
Read more about Stefan's "My HOW Design Live."
bridgid agricola
"As the Community Content Director for HOW, HOW Interactive and Print, my job gets me a front-row view of the trends and developments happening in the design community. But I’m also someone who manages creatives, who deals with internal clients, and who—like everyone else—needs some extra creative inspiration every once in a while."
Read more about Bridgid's "My HOW Design Live."
andrew gibbs
"I’ve been working closely with the HOW Design Live team, both as the program director for The Dieline Conference and leading the design group for this year’s identity. I can’t wait to walk into the Hynes Convention Center in Boston May 12 – 16 and see all of our hard work pay off in the form of a life- and career-changing event for creatives."
Read more about Andrew's "My HOW Design Live."
debbie millman
"When HOW asked me to help organize the HOW Leadership Conference—part of HOW Design Live, May 12 – 16 in Boston—I had one caveat: that it be less about “winning the rat race” and more about leading a meaningful life. I was inspired by a remarkable quote from David Foster Wallace that reads, in part, 'Deep down, you almost always like how a real leader makes you feel, the way you find yourself working harder and pushing yourself and thinking in ways you couldn’t ever get to on your own.'”
Read more about Debbie's "My HOW Design Live."
andy epstein
"I’m excited for HOW Design Live—May 12 – 16 in Boston—for a lot of the same reasons HOWies look forward to it every year. There’s the quality of the speakers (if I do say so myself)—design stars and thought leaders you’ll never find under the same roof anyplace else; the thoughtful mix of tactical and strategic sessions with case studies and creative inspiration; and the opportunities to meet and catch up with other designers and creative professionals."
Read more about Andy's "My HOW Design Live."
Ilise Benun
"Heading into the 7th Annual Creative Freelancer Business Conference—part of HOW Design Live, May 12 – 16 in Boston—I’m so proud of the program we’ve put together to help freelancers and small business owners take stock, refresh their personal and professional goals, make a game plan and start putting it into action."
Read more about Ilise's "My HOW Design Live."
Alison Toerner
We reached out to first-time attendee Alison Toerner for a fresh take on what makes HOW Design Live—May 12 – 16 in Boston—an event designers dream of attending. We’ll be checking in with Alison again after HOW Design Live to find out her a-ha moments and key takeaways from the biggest creative event in the world. Don’t forget to register by May 11 to save $100 off onsite prices!
Read more about Alison's "My HOW Design Live."