Take Pride in Your Health: A Conversation about LGBTQ+ Health
Take Pride in Your Health Care: 
A Conversation about LGBTQ+ Health 

Kaiser Permanente Center for Total Health 
Please join Permanente physicians, staff, and community members in celebration of the vital health care services Kaiser Permanente is providing the LGBTQ+ community to address their comprehensive health needs. The event will include an engaging panel discussion about LGBTQ+ health and wellness topics and the importance of inclusive care.

Date: Tuesday, November 1, 2022
5:30 - 6:00 pm  Networking Reception
6:00 - 6:45 pm  Panel Discussion with Q&A
6:45 - 7:00 pm  Ribbon Cutting & Closing Remarks
Panel Participants:
Dr. Keith Egan (He/Him/His) is the - Associate Director of Gender Pathways and a physician at Pride Medical at Capitol Hill Medical Center, which offers LGBTQ+ patients access to primary care providers and specialists with additional clinical expertise in LGBTQ+ care. He is also a member of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health. Dr. Egan’s areas of interest include preventive medicine, LGBT heath care, and HIV prevention and care, and was recently certified as an HIV specialist by the American Academy of HIV Medicine.
Dr. Michael Horberg (He/Him/His) is the Associate Medical Director for Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group and Director of HIV and STI in Kaiser Permanente and the Executive Director of the Mid-Atlantic Permanente Research Institute (MAPRI). Dr. Horberg places a strong emphasis on making sure all of his patients with HIV receive the care they need, are taking the right medications for them, and are leading productive and healthy lives. Dr. Horberg is passionate about applying his research findings to ensure that patients receive the best care possible. He is the past-president of Gay and Lesbian Medicine Association.
Dr. Cabell Jonas (She/Her/Hers) is a Research Scientist and the Director of Research Programs within the Mid-Atlantic Permanente Research Institute (MAPRI). Dr. Jonas’s research is situated at the interface of research and clinical operations and is focused on implementing evidence-based regional clinical care programs to improve care in the areas of infectious diseases (hepatitis B, hepatitis C), liver disease, genetics/genomics, and LGBTQ+ care.
Japer Bowles (He/Him/His) a local queer advocate and public affairs professional, has experience in constituent services and expertise in local and state legislative processes. He recently led a coalition of more than thirty local LGBTQ+ businesses and nonprofit organizations and over 60 elected officials to develop priorities and strategize investments and programs supportive to the LGBTQ+ community, including housing, workforce development, and a resource community center.
Bianca Humady Rey (She/Her/Hers) has been with Kaiser Permanente (KP) for over 22 years and currently serves as an Equity, Inclusion and Diversity Specialist at Kaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic States (KPMAS) Region. Bianca’s passions include a devotion to the normalizing and visibility of the Transgender, Non-Binary, and Gender Expansive Communities in KPMAS and across the KP enterprise. Bianca is also a Speaker/Facilitator for Equality Virginia’s Transgender Advocacy Speakers Bureau (TASB) Program, an activist for equitable health access to Trans, Non-Binary, and Gender Expensive folks and is the first Transgender woman to be elected as Co-Chair of Asian and Pacific Islander Queers United for Action (AQUA-DC).
Charles DeSantis (He/Him/His) is Georgetown University’s Chief Benefits Officer and Associate Vice President for Benefits and Wellness. In 2013 Charles created the Kibera Art Institute empowering Kenyan youth to have a voice and identity through the visual arts. Charles also serves as the president of the board of Nyumbani USA serving children with HIV/AIDS in Kenya as well as the School of Hope Foundation serving the children in a school for AIDS affected orphans. In 2013, Charles became the Chair of US Association for UNHCR and currently is Chair Emeritus of USA for UNHCR.  Charles lives in Chevy Chase, DC with his husband David and their four children.  He has published two books: Smart, Beautiful and Important: teaching art to AIDS-affected orphans in Africa’s Largest slum and Lucas and Lilly go to Kindergarten
Moderated by Dr. Ashlee Williams (She/Her/Hers).  Dr. Ashlee Williams is a board-certified Permanente adult and family medicine physician practicing at the Kaiser Permanente Capitol Hill Medical Center in Washington, D.C. where she has been the Physician Site Lead and recognized as a Washingtonian Magazine Top Doctor for several years in a row.



















Location:  Kaiser Permanente Center for Total Health, 700 Second Street, NE, Washington, DC  20002

Parking/Metro related information: https://centerfortotalhealth.org/location/