Resurrected Church--What Tomorrow's Church May Look Like Today
Rev. John Cleghorn

Rev. John Cleghorn is pastor and head of staff at Caldwell Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. This is a diverse, dynamic, and deeply missional congregation that has been resurrected after almost closing in 2006. Caldwell intersects a range of members spanning race, age, income level, orientation, and religious background, drawing members from 25 zip codes, four counties, and two states. Having arrived at Caldwell in 2007 from 25 years in other professions, John's research and pastoral leadership focus stems from his experience of studying congregations similar to Caldwell. These congregations update the same-old conversation about diversity in the church in how they emphasize an intersectional manifestation of the risen Christ, center those who have been wounded by religion, and practice radical welcome.

John is a husband and father. He holds an MDiv from Union Presbyterian Seminary and a DMin from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. His book, Resurrecting Church: Where Justice and Diversity Meet Radical Welcome and Healing Hope (Fortress Press), was published in March 2021.