Technical tour
Framatome facilities:
- St Marcel - a plant dedicated to heavy equipment assembly
Registration for the technical tour
A technical visit will take place on Friday 20 May 2022.
The number of places for the technical tour is limited to 50. The places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
In order to register please use, before the 25/03/2022, the Technical Tour registration button on the right to send an email containing:
- Regional Workshop Registration ID (found in the registration confirmation email sent to you when you registered to the workshop)
- Last Name
- First Name
- Company
- Nationality
- Passport/ID number
- A copy/scan of the Passport/ID (you will need to have this document with you on the day of access)
Or you can directly send this information or additional questions regarding the technical tour by e-mail to:
Mr Etienne Courtin,

Photo: courtesy of Framatome