CORDEL Regional Workshops
The World Nuclear Association
held its fourth event in its CORDEL (Cooperation in Reactor Design Evaluation
and Licensing) regional workshop series on 18-20 May 2022 in Lyon, France, in
conjunction with EDF, Framatome and EUR.
The workshop focused on harmonization
to support the operation and new build of NPPs including SMRs, welcoming
participants from across the world from industry and regulatory bodies. The
workshop series was launched in 2016 by the World Nuclear Association’s CORDEL
Working Group, and its Long-term Operation Task Force. The outputs from the
workshops are used to help address regional issues, and where necessary, inform
the Association’s own global programme of work.
The first workshop was held in
Chicago, USA, hosted by Exelon on 1-2 June 2016; the second was in Moscow,
Russia on 25-26 October 2016, hosted by Rosatom; and the third in Shanghai,
China, hosted by SNERDI on 15-16 May 2018.
A summary and the proceedings
from the fourth CORDEL regional workshop are available here.