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Special Operations Medical Association’s Scientific Assembly
Product Theater

Product Theaters are 20-minute sessions that are designed to provide a focused, high-value live marketing opportunity for exhibitors to reach attendees in a pre-scheduled, private session held in the exhibit hall. Product Theaters provide a forum to gather and discuss issues, specific products, services and/or research findings related to special operations medicine. SOMA recognizes that Product Theaters will be promotional and may concentrate on a specific product or service. These sessions are not approved for continuing education credits.

Hosting a Product Theater at the 2022 Scientific Assembly allows exhibitors to:
  • Interact with attendees in an intimate theater setting
  • Highlight and demonstrate new and existing products
  • Provide up-to-date research findings
  • Give in-depth product details
  • Demonstrate products
  • Distribute branded materials
If you are interested in taking part in the Product Theater, please click on the link below to download the  Product Theater Rules and Regulations.  To add this to an existing exhibit record, refer to your confirmation  and select "Modify Registration" and follow the prompts. To begin a new registration please click here