Clergy Self-Care Virtual Retreat
Rev. Kamal Hassan
Sojourner Truth Presbyterian Church, Richmond, CA
Kamal Hassan is a spiritual leader, educator and community servant. He currently serves as Head of Staff/Minister of Word and Sacrament at the Sojourner Truth Presbyterian Church in Richmond, California, a position he has held since 2008. He is also a Board member and the Co-Spiritual Director of the OneLife Institute for Spirituality and Social Transformation based in Oakland, California. He has also served as a Campus Pastor and as an Adjunct Professor in the Community Engaged Learning Department at the Pacific School of Religion. 
Rev. Phanta Lansden
Associate Pastor
C. N. Jenkins Memorial Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC
Rev. Phanta Lansden currently serves as the Associate Pastor of Youth, Young Adults and Discipleship at C.N. Jenkins Memorial Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. She is also the Founder of Phanta Lansden Ministries based in Charlotte, where she helps people explore healing of emotions and build confidence and self-care practices so they may discover their authentic voice and thrive in life emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. She is a graduate of Union Presbyterian Seminary (MDiv) and is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Ministry degree at Union focusing on healing trauma from a spiritual perspective.