2021 Arizona State Fire School

Saturday Night Raffle

Experience the thrill of victory - and the agony of defeat at this wildly entertaining and exceptionally worthwhile Arizona State Fire School tradition. The non-profit Arizona State Fire Training Committee (ASFTC) will hold a fundraising raffle at 6:00pm on Saturday, September 11th. Items will be raffled to benefit the ASFTC's scholarship program and other activities. This is a fun, fast-paced raffle that you don't want to miss - and everyone is invited, however, it is not for the faint at heart.

Ticket holders must be present to win.

Raffle tickets will be available throughout the week at the Arizona State Fire School merchandise table and from committee members. Raffle items will be on display in the merchandise area as well.

If you would like to donate a raffle item, please contact a committee member.

Please Note:  Since alcohol will be available at this event, it is strongly advised that children do not attend.