ISPE-CaSA Golf Tournament 2022



Jane Brown Scholarship Fund Sponsorship

An opportunity for a meaningful contribution to ISPE-CaSA for years to come. Sponsor a Ball Drop hole on one course, with contest proceeds benefiting the Jane Brown Scholarship fund *. Sponsorship includes two non-player registrations, for sponsors to provide representatives to network with players, man the hole and monitor the contest. Sponsors are expected to provide a table, chairs and tent at the hole. Sponsors may provide additional giveaways, food or beverages (ISPE approval required). Company logo will appear in weekly eBlasts.  Recognition at the awards presentation with Company logo on signage at the event. * Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions - they may be deductible as trade or business expenses in the conduct of the taxpayer's business. Three sold, zero available 
Lunch Sponsor 



Signage at registration area and in ballroom. Company logo displayed on the video screen during lunch. Recognition at awards presentation. Company logo will appear on the weekly e-Blasts. Three sold, zero available                                         


Golf Ball Sponsorship


Company logo on Titleist golf balls to be provided as a welcome gift to all players. Company logo will appear in the weekly e-Blasts. Deadline to sponsor: April 1. Three sold, zero available   
Breakfast Sponsor


Signage at registration area. Company logo will appear in the weekly e-Blasts. One sold, zero available
Beverage Cart Sponsor


Signage on two beverage carts to run on one  course. Sponsorship includes two non-golfer registrations for sponsor's representatives to drive carts and network during the tournament. Sponsor may provide own additional giveaways or snacks(ISPE approval required). Carts will be stocked by ISPE with sodas, water, beer, seltzers, energy drinks, and snacks. Company logo will appear in the weekly e-Blasts.   Three sold, zero available

Golf Towel Sponsor


Company logo will appear on quality golf towel to be given to all players.Company logo will appear in the weekly e-Blasts. Deadline to sponsor: April 1. One sold, zero available


Bottle Opener  Sponsor


Company logo will appear on bamboo bottle opener to be given to all players. Company logo will appear in the weekly e-Blasts. Deadline to sponsor: April 1. One sold, zero available

Can Koozie Sponsor


Company logo will appear on neoprene Koozie to be given to all players. Company logo will appear in the weekly e-Blasts. Deadline to sponsor: April 1. One sold, zero available

Golf Cart Sponsor

Signage in every cart on all three courses and recognition at awards presentation. Company logo will appear in the weekly e-Blasts.  Two sold, zero available

Photography Sponsor


Company logo will appear on group photos. Signage at photographer station at putting green and in Ballrorom. Recognition at awards presentation. Company logo will appear in the weekly e-Blasts.  Three sold, zero available 

Scoreboard and Range Sponsor

   SOLD OUT   


Identification on rules sheet in each cart and at the scoreboard. Signage at the practice range and recognition at awards presentation.   One sold, zero available

Premier Hole in One Sponsor


Win a Pinehurst Resort golf getaway!  
Signage at the hole and recognition at awards presentation. Sponsorship includes two non-player registrations for sponsor's representatives to network with players, man the hole and monitor the contest. Sponsor should plan to provide own table, chairs and tent. Sponsor may provide own additional giveaways, food or beverages (ISPE approval required). Sponsors may display their own signage at table.  Three sold, zero available
Hole in One Sponsor

Any player who gets a hole in one on designated holes wins a $500 Amazon gift card!
Signage at the hole and recognition at awards presentation. Sponsorship includes two non-player registrations for sponsor to provide  representatives to network with players, man the hole and monitor the contest. Sponsors are expected to provide own tent, table and chairs at the hole. Sponsor may provide own additional giveaways, food or beverages (ISPE approval required). Sponsors may display their own signage at table.  Four sold, zero available  
Closest to the Pin Sponsor (Men's and Women's contests)


Signage at the hole and recognition at awards presentation. Sponsorship includes two non-player registrations for sponsor to provide  representatives to network with players, man the hole and monitor the contest. Sponsors are expected to provide own tent, table and chairs at the hole. Sponsor may provide own additional giveaways, food or beverages (ISPE approval required). Sponsors may display their own signage at table.  Six sold, zero available  
Putting Contest Sponsor


Sponsor the Putting Contest on the putting green. Sponsorship includes two non-player registrations for sponsor to provide representatives to network with players and monitor the contest. Sponsors are expected to provide own tent, table and chairs if desired. Sponsor may provide own additional giveaways, food or beverages (ISPE approval required). Sponsors may display their own signage at table. Company logo will appear in weekly e-Blasts. Recognition at the awards presentation with Company logo on signage at the event.  One sold, zero available
Longest Drive Sponsor (Men's and Women's contests)


Signage at the hole and recognition at awards presentation. Sponsorship includes two non-player registrations for sponsor to provide  representatives to network with players, man the hole and monitor the contest. Sponsors are expected to provide own tent, table and chairs at the hole. Sponsor may provide own additional giveaways, food or beverages (ISPE approval required). Sponsors may display their own signage at table. Six sold, zero available 
Hole Sponsor
(one hole on one course)

Sponsorship of one hole on one course, holes to be assigned by ISPE-CaSA. Signage at the hole. Sponsorship includes up to two non-player registrations for sponsor to provide employees or representatives to network with players and man the hole. Sponsors are expected to provide own tent, table and chairs at hole if desired. Sponsor may provide own additional giveaways, food or beverages (ISPE approval required).  Thirty-two sold, zero available