Executive Forum Workshop 2021 (Online)
NSF/PSERC Workshop: Grid at the "Edge"
March 23, 2021 10:00 am CDT (8:00 am PDT)

10:00 am  NSF and PSERC Welcome and Opening Remarks:  Aranya Chakrabortty, NSF Program Director; Kory Hedman, PSERC Director   

10:10 am  Workshop Goals and Objectives: Mladen Kezunovic, Workshop Chair

10:20 am  Instructions for breakout sessions: Anu Annaswamy, Workshop Co-Chair

10:30 am  Breakouts with the following topic areas:

·       Breakout Session #1: Monitoring, control and protection; Moderators: Sukumar Brahma (Clemson) and Maryam Saeedifard (Georgia Tech)

·       Breakout Session #2: Privacy and cyberphysical security; Moderators: Chee-Wooi Ten (Michigan Tech) and Kate Davis (Texas A&M)

·       Breakout Session #3: Markets, behavioral aspects, environment and policy; Moderators: Ramteen Sioshansi (Ohio State) and Shmuel Oren (Berkeley)

12:00 pm  Break

12:45 pm  Breakout session report outs and discussion (Plenary)

  2:00 pm  Summary of Day 1 (Plenary)

  2:30 pm  Adjourn

March 24, 2021 10:00 am CDT (8:00 am PDT)

10:00 am  Opening Remarks

10:05 am  Breakouts with the following topic areas:

·       Breakout Session #4: Integration of Physical and Data Modeling, (Co)simulation; Moderators: Kyri Baker (University of Co-Boulder) and Le Xie (Texas A&M)

·       Breakout Session #5: Optimization framework for grid at the edge interfacing; Moderators: Anu Annaswamy (MIT) and Anamika Dubey (WSU)

·       Breakout Session #6: Metrics: reliability, resilience, energy and market; Moderators: Joydeep Mitra (Michigan State) and Mojdeh Khorsand Hedman (ASU)

11:35 am  Break

12:05 pm  Breakout session report and discussion (Plenary)

  1:20 pm  Break

  1:30 pm  Summary of Day 2 (Plenary)

  2:00 pm  Open Discussion (Plenary)

  3:00 pm  Adjourn