Virtual Clergy Self-Care Retreat
Event Details
Virtual Clergy Self-Care Retreat
11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Workshop Description

This virtual retreat geared towards clergy and ministry care-givers will offer self-care practices attendees can embody in their personal lives. Tips for self-care techniques will be modeled to assist participants with building their own care regimen. Time and space will also be provided to discover encouragement amongst peers as well as experience rejuvenation within a supportive community of care-givers and care-seekers. The two-hour virtual retreat will include various elements, including presentations from the leaders on spiritual practice, small group work and large group discussion and sharing, as well as grounding exercises incorporating basic yoga techniques and the arts.

This virtual retreat will use Zoom technology as a delivery format. The session will meet on Saturday, January 30, from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. EST. Participants will need an electronic device equipped with a reliable internet connection, built-in or external microphone, and a built-in or external webcam. Each registered participant will receive the link prior to the retreat.



Early Registration (ends January 15): $20

Standard Registration (begins January 16): $30