Coping with Cancer during the Holidays

Welcome to

Coping with Cancer during the Holidays


November 18, 2020

Virtual/Online program through Zoom


Program: 6:00 pm 8:00 pm



                                                                    Albert Schafer, LCSW                                                                                                        Social Worker Individual Therapay and Group Facilitator                                                                                                                               Kid's Turn, San Diego

                                                                               Mei Kameda, LSW                                                                                                                                              Social Worker, Palliative Care Services                                                                                                                  Department of Veteran Affairs, Greater Los Angeles



Please join LLS for a free virtual education program designed to help patients and caregivers cope with the holiday season. Participants will learn about maintaining a healthy lifestyle during the holidays, what gatherings to limit or avoid, planning ahead to create the space you need for self-care and how to manage your treatments.

Additionally, speakers will share strategies to work through loss (of a person or tradition) during the holiday season, increase understanding of stress and anxiety as a result of a cancer diagnosis and how working through and acknowledging its effects can play a major role in achieving better adherence to therapy, better communication with their treatment team and an overall reduction of anxiety levels.

In addition to learning about the causes and consequences of stress and methods to better cope, participants will learn about the resources available in their community and those provided by The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. We encourage you to invite your caregiver and adult family members.

To register you will need a valid email address:
please click on the REGISTER tab above. 


If you do not have an email address, please call 

Roxanne Garza, Patient & Community Outreach Manager at 714-481-5605,

to register.