Virtual Annual Meetings 2020 hosted by SBL & AAR



Annual Meeting Publisher Spotlight

Booking Deadline: November 6
This year, we will have a virtual publisher spotlight! Attendees will see your company's name in a prominent, publisher-specific page on the Virtual Meeting platform. Your section in this publisher spotlight will include a link to your website, your company's logo, contact information, and short description (up to 1,000 characters).  Additionally, the standard exhibit listing will include one media item that appears as a banner ad in your exhibit listing and will link to a PDF, video, or URL. This may be a coupon, catalogue, order form, product overview video, or other options! This option will allow you to direct traffic to your online sales platforms 24/7 throughout the Virtual Annual Meeting, without the need to have staff on hand at all times. Optional links to scheduling apps can help prospective authors or members schedule appointments with your acquisitions department to discuss future book projects. You can upgrade your company's listing with up to two additional banners. Finally, any Zoom Events you schedule through SBL and AAR will be listed and linked to the event listing in the Virtual Meeting platform. See below for more information on this option.

Email Blast


Booking Deadline: November 6

Email blasts are a great way to reach attendees in real-time. We will be offering the opportunity to create a targeted email, which can be sent to attendees on your behalf, on a specific date. This option will allow you to advertise a special sale or product launch as it goes live. It is perfect for driving traffic to your online sales platform during a specific time-frame.

Mobile App Ads


Booking Deadline: November 6

Put your company's full color advertisement directly onto the virtual Annual Meeting platform! All attendees will utilize this platform throughout the meeting.

Home Screen Banner


Booking Deadline: November 6

A prominent display of your company's logo! The Virtual Meeting platform will be used by all meeting attendees, making a banner ad one of the very best ways to get your company seen throughout the meeting.

Zoom Events

$25 per 30min

Booking Deadline: November 6

We know how valuable face-to-face time with attendees is for our exhibitors! Scheduled Zoom sessions are our virtual answer!  Host an author meet-and-greet, show off your newest products and publications, host an open house for prospective authors, or host a more casual Q&A. The options are endless! All of these Zoom Events will be listed in your virtual exhibit space and will link directly to the listing in the Virtual Meeting platform. Additionally, the Zoom Event listing will link back to your virtual exhibit space.

Feeling Creative?

Maybe you would like to sponsor a virtual tour of Boston or San Antonio, an Instagram Contest, or mixology break.  Feel free to contact Chrissy Donovan to discuss other ideas or options.