Day 1 – Monday, September 9, 2019 Registration begins at 8:30 am
Session 1: Introduction to Discrete Choice Experiments (DCEs)
Session 2: Defining attributes, levels and choice sets
Session 3: Experimental Design 1
Practical Session 1: Using the Catalogue
Group work 1: Using the catalogue – Binary Choices
Session 4: Experimental Design 2
Practical Session 2: Generating binary choice sets with the Catalogue
Group work 2: Using the Catalogue – Multiple Choice
Day 2 – Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Practical Session 3: Introduction to Ngene
Group work 3: Generating multiple choice sets using Ngene
Session 5: Questionnaire Design
Session 6: Data management
Group Work 4: Data input and management
Session 7: Data analysis 1 – willingness to pay
Session 8: Data analysis 2 – Benefit-risk estimates
Day 3 – Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Group work 5: Data analysis using Stata
Session 9: Data analysis 3 – Probabilities
Group work 6: Deriving welfare estimates
Session 10: Data analysis 3 – Preference heterogeneity
Session 11: Basics of Best-Worst Scaling