Wednesday, 5 December | 14:30-15:30
Economic Outlook and Implications for Business Travel
For every great event, the scene must first be set. And what better way for YOUR Business Travel Conference than to gain expert insights into the local and global economic landscapes and the important outlook ahead. With a wealth of senior experience both within and outside the travel industry, Dr Webber will also focus on the connectivity between business travel and economic performance, and the expectations about business travel over the short to medium terms.
Join the discussion on how our region is positioned in light of the European concerns, a slowing China, elevated oil prices, heightened uncertainty in financial markets, weak consumer and business confidence, and whether any GFC lessons have been learnt.
Dr. Tony Webber
Managing Director at Webber Quantitative Consulting & Associate Professor at University of Sydney Business School
After several years as Chief Economist of the Qantas Group, Dr Webber established his own private consultancy business, Webber Quantitative Consulting; specialising in aviation, tourism, transport, return on marketing investment, banking, quantitative modelling, risk management practises and economic outlook advice. He has consulted to some of the largest companies in Australia, numerous investment banks, hedge funds and global equity analysts as well as Government bodies such as Tourism Australia and the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism. Previous experience includes roles at Reserve Bank of Australia, Network Economics Consulting Group, and as an academic at several domestic Australian and overseas institutions. He obtained his PhD in Economics from the University of NSW.
Dr Webber recently joined the University of Sydney Business School as an Associate Professor while retaining his consultancy business. He is regularly interviewed on aviation and tourism issues, including appearances on the main free to air TV channels, Bloomberg, SkyNews and has also written for the Sydney Morning Herald, Business Day and Fairfax media generally.
Keynote Introduction
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Wednesday, 5 December | 16:00-17:15
Big Data – The Next Frontier for Innovation, Competition and Productivity Every day, we create over 2.5 quintillion bytes of data - so much that 90% of the data in the world today has been created in the last two years alone. Many researchers predict that the most successful companies of the next decade will be those who embrace the evolution of data-driven decision making, i.e. harnessing vast quantities of data and transforming it into instantaneous, predictive business insight. McKinsey Global Institute will reveal ways in which to use Big Data, the world’s newest economic asset, to create value within your own organization.
Harry Bowcott
McKinsey & Company
For the past 8 years Harry has been a Partner at one of the world’s leading Management Consulting firms (McKinsey & Company), where he suitably focusses on questions of commercial strategy in travel and leisure businesses. Oxford and Cambridge University educated, we look forward to Harry’s insights on this important topic in an industry that seems to already be drowning in data.
Thursday, 6 December | 9:00-10:15
A Year of Critical Uncertainty:
An Assessment & Outlook on the Regional and Global Airline Industry
Airlines are crucial to any organisation’s Travel Program, especially in a region where other forms of transport are almost irrelevant and SYD-MEL is the world’s 5th busiest route. Regarded as one of the leading aviation strategists globally, Peter Harbison will provide insight into the big picture influences on a dramatically changing aviation landscape; where former LCC’s are now strong business travel providers, traditional relationships are ending, and new game plans are creating strong allies from once fierce competitors.
Peter Harbison
Executive Chairman and Founder, CAPA Centre for Aviation
Peter Harbison: is Executive Chairman and Founder of CAPA - Centre for Aviation, and is regarded as one of the leading aviation strategists globally. His career in aviation law and regulatory affairs included a posting to the Australian mission to the International Civil Aviation Organisation in Montreal, and 10 years at a senior level at the International Air Transport Association in Geneva. Mr Harbison is President of the Australian Aviation Council and immediate past President of the Aviation Law Association of Australia and New Zealand.
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Thursday, 6 December | 16:45-17:30
Travel Innovation Unplugged | What's Required & What's Disruptive
In today's fast-paced world, standing still is not an option. You've got to innovate or be disrupted. Yeoh Siew Hoon unplugs the world of travel to share her observations on what's needed for innovation and what disruptions are occurring.
Yeoh Siew Hoon
Editor and Founder, WIT – Web in Travel
Siew Hoon is an established and well sought after speaker and facilitator at travel industry conferences and workshops. Seeing a need for the industry to recognize and deal with the changes that would come from the Internet and technology, she founded the annual Conferencing events and online content and community portal ‘WIT - Web In Travel’ in 2005. WIT caters for anyone passionate about the online travel space in Asia Pacific; in particular entrepreneurship, innovation and inspiring young minds. She is also an acclaimed published author.
Sponsor Industry Perspective
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