Transmedia L.A. to Host Webinars for StoryWorld

Transmedia L.A. was one of the earliest self-organized groups in the world to focus specifically on exploring the opportunities of transmedia by organizing monthly meet ups, inviting transmedia practitioners and academics to speak with the group, and promoting awareness and the use of transmedia in a variety of ways.
Just Announced! Schedule of Transmedia L.A. Webinars. Details here.
Why a meet up of meet ups?
The unofficial meet up of meet ups that occurred at last year's StoryWorld conference was a surprising success. Dozens of attendees got together to hang out in the concourse outside the meeting rooms for a casual but energetic meeting of the meet ups. The existing meet ups around the world announced themselves, shared what they had been up to and how to contact them.This year, with F+W Media inviting TLA to help curate and produce transmedia-specific content in the official program, we can elevate the transmedia discussion by expanding awareness and promoting the benefit of these global groups within the StoryWorld program.
What to expect?
Aside from hosting an official meet up of meet ups on the fist day of StoryWorld 2012, TLA will also produce a series of podcasts leading up to the conference. These podcasts will focus on transmedia and will include notable luminaries from the transmedia community.
Additionally, TLA will produce a detailed case study of the MMP ARG, sharing as many details and numeric data as possible (including what went right and what didn't).
Finally, TLA will host a workshop showcasing the various technologies available for anyone interested in producing transmedia experiences. Attendees are encouraged to bring their laptops to test software platforms and play with different tools.
What's next?
No one knows the future of transmedia, but it's clear there are several groups around the world actively promoting the idea and the practice. Each group approaches the topic differently, but collectively they have the same impact—supporting conversations about what transmedia means, exploring how people use it, and strengthening the global transmedia community.
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