Great Grantmaking!
Tuesday 12th & Wednesday 13th June
9.30am - 5pm both days
Venue: Copthorne Oriental Bay, Wellington
An event for funders only
Past Event
As a staff member working in philanthropy and grantmaking, you’ll know the rewards and challenges of working in a sector that makes such a positive contribution to Aotearoa New Zealand. You’ll also know that relevant professional development is hard to find.
Great Grantmaking! is New Zealand’s only training specifically created for grants advisors and other ‘philanthrocrats’ working in trusts and foundations, local and central government, and corporate philanthropy.
In conjunction with our members and international colleagues, Philanthropy New Zealand has created a professional development package that will increase knowledge and proficiency and provide resources to address ongoing professional challenges. An emphasis on peer learning, guest presenters, and breakout sessions will ensure that the programme is relevant for staff in the sector regardless of their experience or time in the role.
Content includes:
· A grant management competency framework
· Philanthropy in New Zealand—theory and context including Te Tiriti O Waitangi
· Strategic grantmaking
· Good practice trends and emerging issues
· Grantmaking practice
· Community engagement
Extensive readings, peer support and webinar follow-up are all part of the programme.
PNZ will support you and your team to create greater impact from a thriving, connected, grantmaking and philanthropic sector.
Cost: PNZ member: $800
member: $1040 + GST