Exposure opportunities:
Gold package (nog 1 beschikbaar) € 4.500
Two participant badges during Europic 2018
Including 4 nights hotel and conference dinners
Exposure by placing a company banner
Publicity in final program with logo
Inside cover advertisement in final program
One insert congress material (A4 flyer)
Logo + link on website
Silver package € 3.000
Two participant badges during Europic 2018
Including 4 nights hotel and conference dinners
Exposure by placing a company banner
Publicity in final program with logo
Booth per day, limited space available, avalaibility on demand
- Booth 6 sqm* € 1.500 per day
- For four days (4th - 7th June) € 4.000
Electricity 220V, 1 table, 2 chairs, publicity in final program with logo and two participant registrations. When booking a booth for 4 days, it is including 4 nights hotel and conference dinners.
Sponsor opportunities
Advertisement in the final program:
- Inside front cover page € 1.500 Full colour
- Inside back cover page € 1.500 Full colour
- Outside back cover page € 2.000 Full colour
- Inside page € 1.000 Black/white
Sponsor opportunities:
- Invited speaker to be discussed
- Unrestricted educational grant to be discussed
- Travel grant to be discussed
Catering poster session A,B,C or D € 1.500 one company per session
- logo + link on website € 500
- Insert congress material (A4 flyer) € 750
Sponsor opportunities Limited to one sponsor, under approval of the organising committee
Conference bag (supplied by sponsor) € 1.000
Conference bag (supplied by Congress Company) € 2.500
Lanyard / keycord (supplied by sponsor) € 750
Lanyard / keycord (supplied by Congress Company) € 1.500
In order to book a booth or any other item please select the button new registration.