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Kris Alberti Northwest Independent Contractors Assoc. (NICA) Kris Alberti has an extensive construction, management, and instruction background which she has blended to produce informative programs with practical solutions for her audiences. Bringing 20 years of experience problem solving, recommending products and creating compliance tools to her clients, Kris’s students leave her classes and clients with tangible plans and applications for their companies. Kris has spent the last 10 years as the Director of Northwest Independent Contractors Association helping businesses that do not have Safety, Human Resource, or Consultants on staff. | |
Joyce Allen Program Specialist Dept. of Labor & Industries Joyce Allen has 12 years of claim management experience and is one of Labor & Industries’ Outreach Specialist for the Return-to-Work Incentive Programs. Joyce uses a collaborative approach with employers to save them money by bringing injured workers back to work. | |
Sgt. Jon Ames Security Administrator Washington State Patrol Sgt. Ames is currently the Security Administrator with Labor and Industries State Patrol detachment. Sgt. Ames has over 21 years of commissioned law enforcement experience working a variety of assignments in the Puget Sound Region. During his career, Sgt. Ames has been sought out for his ability to de-escalate and gain control of difficult situations. He has a highly developed “Tactical Communication” style. | |
Chris Anderson Safety, Health and Training Manager Kaiser Aluminum Trentwood Chris is the Safety, Health, and Training Manager for Kaiser Aluminum’s Trentwood facility. Prior to entering the Safety realm, Chris was a Maintenance Technician at a large equipment manufacturer and an electrician in the Navy before that. He has a strong passion for safety, striving to help educate and empower people to go home in the same condition they showed up to work in. | |
Kent Anderson Maritime Specialist WA Dept. of Labor & Industries Worked in shipyard for over 5 years, spent 19 years on board military tug boat & other boats as required, assistant chief engineer. 31 years total military service, 6 years active, 25 years in the reserves. Have been the Labor & Industries Maritime Specialist for 10 years now. | |
Stephanie Arnold US Oil & Refining Company Stephanie Arnold is the Safety & Security Manager for U.S. Oil & Refining Co. with 15+ years’ experience in industrial health and safety and process safety management (PSM). She is a chartered chemical engineer with knowledge in both petrochemical and oil refining industries. Stephanie is also a board member of the Governor’s Industrial Health & Safety Advisory Board. | |
Steve Bacheller Union Safety Representative Kaiser Aluminum Trentwood Steve is a Union Safety Representative at Kaiser Aluminum’s Trentwood works (26yrs, Safety Rep 10yrs) Steve maintains a third party license to teach Mobile Equipment, Aerial Manlifts and Overhead Cranes. He is OSHA General Industry Trainer. Steve is Trentwood’s Co-Chair of the plant Mobile Equipment and Ergonomics. Steve is a current member on the GISHAB Board representing manufacturing. Steve also serves on the USW Local 338 Executive Board and the Spokane Regional Labor Council. | |
John Bair Training Coordinator Pierce County Public Works John Bair is the Training Coordinator / Safety for Pierce County, Public Works, Road Operations. John has been in safety with Road Op’s for about 15 years. We set up about 5200 work zone each year. John teaches several different trainings to all divisions in Public Works and for other municipalities. John believes safety is the most important job we do. | |
Steve Barham Safety Coordinator Associated Logging Contractors of Idaho Graduated High School in 1978. Worked for a Logging contractor until 1987 when my Dad and I started our own Logging Company. I purchased my Dad’s shares in the Company in 1997 and built the company to as many as 30 employees (including subcontractors). When I sold the Logging Company in 2007 it was required that I help manage the day to day operations for 3 years. After my commitment was complete I retired until Sept of 2013 when I became the Safety Coordinator for the Associated Logging Contractors of Idaho. | |
Robert Beidler Undersheriff Snohomish County Sheriff's Office Rob Beidler is a Western Washington University and FBINA 260 grad. He has about 25 years with Snohomish County and was promoted into Command Staff in 2008. Since, he has served as the Chief of Operations, Budget and Finance, and Corrections. He is currently the Undersheriff. His teaching experience is centered around the safety of those who work in LE and the safety of those we serve. His organization is invested in Below 100, technology, and entities that can further the cause of safety in Law Enforcement. | |
Katherine Belvin Product Review Engineer The Boeing Company Katherine is a Product Review Engineer on the P-8 program at Boeing, with a focus on producibility initiatives and hazardous energy control process improvements. Katherine’s work includes the creation of Hazardous Energy Control Procedures for her program and co-leading enterprise efforts to digitize Lockout-Tagout (LOTO) records. She holds a BS degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Portland and a technology management MBA from the University of Washington. | |
Beatrice Berry RN, MS Owner CEO Health Vantage Since 1982 Bea Berry, owner and CEO of Wellness 2000, Inc. has been working to help organizations establish healthy, dynamic work environments that support and sustain their employees while helping reduce medical costs for the employers. Bea is a national lecturer and organizational trainer and has devoted much of her life to helping companies develop and implement programs to increase morale and improve the effectiveness of their most important asset – their employees and families. | |
Craig Bertucci Process Safety Management Representative Phillips 66 Craig graduated from Western Washington University in 1992 with a Bachelor’s degree in Health Education. He began his industrial career in 1995 and now works for Phillips 66 in oil refining. Craig has worked in Operations and in Training and development for a combined 22 years. Currently he is the Process Safety Management Representative for the United Steel Workers Union at the Phillips 66 refinery in Ferndale, Washington. His primary role is to provide PSM training and development for the refinery. | |
Cal Beyer Director of Risk Management Lakeside Industries, Inc. Cal Beyer is the Director of Risk Management since 2014 at Lakeside Industries, Inc. in Issaquah, WA. Cal has 30 years of safety, insurance and risk management experience; 20 years serving the construction industry in various capacities. Working in the insurance industry for two large national carriers, he worked with large contractors on strategic risk improvement and risk management best practices. He joined Lakeside Industries to transform his mission of saving lives into his career legacy. Cal frequently presents at national and regional construction, safety and risk management conferences. He has written over 45 articles for various industry publications. Cal is a member of the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) Health and Safety Committee. Lakeside Industries is a 2015 and 2017 recipient of the NAPA Operational Excellence in Safety Innovation Award. Cal is the Co-Chair and facilitator of the Washington Asphalt Pavement Association (WAPA) and Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Joint Committee on Paving Work Zone Risk Reduction. Cal is active in the Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA) and served as National Secretary for 2009-2010. He speaks regularly at CFMA’s Annual Conference & Exhibition. Cal is an established author for CFMA Building Profits. He is the 2016 recipient of the Danny Parrish Outstanding Leadership Award which resulted in CFMA launching the Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention (www.preventconstructionsuicide.com). Cal is a member of the Washington Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention. Cal has served on the Workplace Task Force of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention since inception in 2010. He was appointed as Co-Lead of this Task Force in 2015 and to the Executive Committee in 2016. Cal was a driving force in this Task Force being awarded the 2016 Gary Bird Horizon Award for Innovation from the International Risk Management Institute (IRMI). In February 2017, Cal was named one of the 25 Newsmakers for 2016 in the global construction industry by Engineering-News Record (ENR) for his work with suicide prevention. | |
Jeff Birchfield Health Safety & Environmental Program Manager Global Diving & Salvage Mr. Birchfield has an extensive background in safety in the commercial construction and commercial diving industry. As the Health Safety & Environmental Program Manager for Global Diving & Salvage Jeff oversees development of safety plans and training for the company, including pre-task planning and job hazard analysis. Jeff is passionate about the commercial diving industry, having graduated from Diver's Institute of Technology and spending time as a commercial diver. In addition to Jeff’s experience with safety, he also served in the United States Marine Corps and currently serves in the WA Army National Guard. | |
Craig Blackwood Deputy Assistant Director - DOSH WA Dept of Labor & Industries Craig Blackwood is the Deputy Assistant Director of the Division of Occupational Safety and Health, Dept. of Labor & Industries. | |
Tony Bocek BP Biography not available at this time. | |
Nate Bohmbach Safety Specialist Ergodyne Nate has been with Ergodyne since 2011 and oversees the Prevention pillar of products, where he is dedicated to keeping worksite tools and equipment organized, efficient, and safe. His passion for at heights safety solutions includes the emerging category of objects at heights. Nate has developed innovative safety products for nearly a decade and teaches best practices to multiple industries. Nate also sits as chair for the ISEA Standards Committee for Dropped Objects Solutions, and ironically is a member of NATE (National Association of Tower Erectors). He sits on the PPE Subcommittee and also represents Ergodyne’s membership to DROPS (Dropped Object Prevention Scheme), where he is a certified DROPS Trainer. | |
Nicole Bowles Ph.D, M.S. Postdoctoral Associate Oregon Health and Science University Nicole P. Bowles, Ph.D., M.S. is a postdoctoral associate in the laboratory of Steven A. Shea, Ph.D. at Oregon Health and Science University where she studies the biological daily rhythms and sleep that maintain daily fluctuations in blood pressure. Dr. Bowles received her Ph.D. from The Rockefeller University where she studied the effect of irregular cortisol signaling, a hormone responsible for the adaptative response to stress, on metabolism. She received additional training in Clinical Epidemiology from Weill Cornell Medical College as a Health Disparities and Community Engagement Research Fellow. | |
Clayton Braun LTC US ARMY Deputy Director of Joint Operations Directorate Washington National Gaurd Lieutenant Colonel Clayton Braun is the Deputy Director of the Joint Operations Directorate, and the lead Domestic Operations planner for the Washington National Guard. The Joint Directorate employs Guard Soldiers and Airmen in support of civil authority in times of crisis across the state. LTC Braun was instrumental in the coordination of the employment of Guard resources in support of the SR530 Landslide, the Wild Fires of 2014 and 2015. Additionally, LTC Braun leads the Washington Guard planning team that is spearheading the state’s disaster response effort for a Cascadia Subduction Zone rupture. LTC Braun is an Army Aviator and has aviation experience with helicopters, airplanes and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, is a combat veteran with multiple deployments to the middle east, and has served more than 30 years in the US Army and the Washington National Guard. | |
Travis Brock CHSP Risk Management Specialist Sheild of Armor Safety Travis Brock is an accomplished safety professional with over 15 years of safety experience covering multiple industries. He currently holds designations as a Construction Safety Specialist through the University of Washington & as an Associate Safety Professional & Certified Health & Safety Technician through the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP). His experience combined with his passion to reduce workplace injuries, reduce costly accidents and keep employees going home to their families are the number one priority in his day to day work. Travis believes that it is critical to be proactively involved in workplace safety and is an active participant in several local safety committees which are focused on promoting workplace safety. These committees include the MCAWW Risk Management Committee, SMACNA Risk Management Committee & for the past 3 years the business co-chair for the Construction Advisory Committee for the Department of Labor & Industries. He is a motivator, desired speaker and certified trainer in several key safety and health topics ranging from leadership development, LEAN Management, OSHA 10 & 30 & multiple competent person level subjects. His broad range of work experience & passion for safety have established him as a leader in the safety and risk management field. | |
Todd Bruininks Director, Longshore & Harborworkers' Compensation Program US Dept. of Labor Todd Bruininks has been the Director of the San Francisco and Honolulu District Offices, U.S. Dept. of Labor, Longshore & Harbor Workers’ Compensation Programs, since April, 2004. He also covered Director duties for the Long Beach Office from March 2005 through February 2006, and took over duties as Director of the Seattle District Office January 2011. Prior to becoming the District Director, Mr. Bruininks spent 5 years as a Claims Examiner and Senior Claims Examiner at the FEC District Office in San Francisco, and another 5 years as a Claims Manager for the same office. The District Longshore Office’s goal is to be regarded as a resource for informal resolution of disputes. Resolving issues earlier expedites benefit delivery and facilitates recovery for injured workers--and lowers costs to employers and carriers. We are available for mediation, negotiation, advice, admonishment, and any other activity people need to move these claims forward. | |
Joe Camacho Papé Material Handling Joe has 17 years experience as the regional Safety & Environmental Coordinator for the Papé Group. He is charged with creating a safe working environment at several facilities throughout the Pacific Northwest. Joe is a member of the Governor's Industrial Safety & Health Advisory Board. | |
Mike Canaan President Trident Investigative Service Mike Canaan’s 40-year background covers a broad spectrum of areas from serving aboard Marine One, the President’s Helicopter; to Military Police Watch Commander for the 3rd Marine Division on Okinawa Japan; various corporate security and investigative positions; police officer with three different Washington agencies; and since 1991, President of northwest-based Trident Investigative Service. Mike has a Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice from Washington State University. He is a certified instructor in many disciplines and maintains active membership in a variety of related professional investigative and security associations, as well as, licensing, registrations and certifications with numerous Federal and State agencies. Mike will be speaking about contraband detection in the workplace utilizing trained and certified detection dogs. Mike’s canine experience includes being a Marine Corps Military Police Patrol and Narcotics Detector Dog Hander; Military Working Dog trainer and kennel master; a law enforcement narcotic detector dog handler; and a certified narcotics, contraband, explosives, and protection dog handler in the private sector. Mike is also a former working dog certifying official. He has attended numerous DEA, interstate drug trafficking, and narcotic interdiction courses across the United States. | |
John Carlson Integrity Safety John Carlson has worked in construction and general industry safety for the past 28 years. This includes maritime work, heavy industrial, petrochemical, manufacturing hospitals and biotech work. During that time he has also worked in the environmental field managing Large Quantity Generator programs working on remediation sites, writing Site Safety and Health Plans for hazardous waste sites, acted in the capacity of emergency response spill coordinator. John has administered state fund and self- insured workers compensation programs, safety and health programs and environmental programs in the 11 western states. Additionally John has also worked in consulting, providing training, industrial hygiene, ergonomics training, program development and guidance on claims management and workers compensation issues for clients. | |
Rhett Carpenter Safety Training Director The Integrated Group Rhett Carpenter graduated from Central Washington University with a degree in Occupational Safety & Health Management. He also minored in Risk and Environmental Management. Throughout his years in the industry, he has gained extensive experience in the construction and general industries. He currently holds the credentials as a CHST, and has provided safety, health and environmental services to many contractors and businesses throughout the Pacific Northwest and West Coast. Rhett is currently the Safety/Training Director for The Integrated Group, Inc. Rhett is committed to achieving health, safety and environmental excellence and has accomplished this by providing quality service that promotes positive results. His dedication and commitment to ensure a successful Loss Prevention Program and a safe and healthy working environment to all workers and public alike, is second to none. Mr. Carpenter is an authorized instructor through the Department of Ecology and regularly provides the Certified Erosion and Sediment Control training and provides services, on a variety of levels, to many organizations throughout the state. Rhett is also an instructor for a variety of safety, health & environmental related courses offered by University of Washington Region X Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, in addition to several other organizations in the Greater Puget Sound Region. Rhett it the facilitator for the Puget Sound Safety Summit Conference, a monthly gathering of safety professionals and contractors, spotlighting key note speakers who present on trending topics and current events related to the industry. While working with a plethora of organizations, Rhett has performed a multitude of services and oversight and ensures the overall effectiveness of risk management at all levels. Rhett has assisted in the development and improvement of safety, health & environmental programs for many contractors spanning from the North slope of Alaska, to Montana, Washington, California, Colorado, Nevada, Oregon, Idaho, Hawaii and Samoa. | |
Tim Church Public Affairs Manager WA Dept. of Labor & Industries Tim Church has more than 30 years of communications and journalism experience, including time as a TV news managing editor and reporter, and as a state agency communications director. He’s been L&I’s public affairs manager since 2014, overseeing public affairs, media relations and video production. Before coming to L&I he spent nearly 15 years as the director of communications for the Washington State Department of Health, leading outreach on issues like H1N1, the whooping cough epidemic and bioterrorism preparedness. He’s also a past president of the National Public Health Information Coalition (NPHIC). Tim is a long time Coug, graduating with a degree in broadcast journalism from Washington State University’s Edward R. Murrow School of Communication. He worked in television news for almost 15 years as a news writer, on-air reporter, producer, and managing editor. He’s also served as a public information officer for the Washington State Senate. Tim believes all communication should be clear, easy to understand, and avoid acronyms and “government speak.” He volunteers for the YMCA and the Junior Daffodil Parade, has two grown children, and lives with his wife in University Place. | |
Jena Cole Occ Health & Safety Research WA Dept. of Labor & Industries Jena Cole is an Occupational Health & Safety Research Project Coordinator with L&I’s Safety and Health Assessment and Research for Prevention (SHARP) program. She has 14 years of experience collaborating with employers, associations, retro groups, physicians and workers to reduce the impacts of occupational injuries and illnesses. | |
David Conley WA Dept. of Labor & Industries Dave is the Consultation Manager for Region 2 (King County) for the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries,Division of Occupational Safety & Health (DOSH) with a background in Commercial and Industrial Construction safety. He spent 22 years as a Commercial Construction General Contractor and in his spare time, reads safety codes for fun. He is a self professed gadget geek and and technology nerd. | |
Jen Czak PSM Lead Philips 66 Jen Czak has been the PSM Lead at Phillips 66 in Ferndale, Washington for the past 7 years. She has a degree in chemical engineering from Purdue University. Before working at Phillips 66, she worked for DuPont and Roche Colorado. She has over 20 years of experience in engineering and process safety management, and has worked in the chemical, pharmaceutical and refining industries. | |
Jeff Dalto Senior Learning & Development Specialist Convergence Training Jeff Dalto is the Senior Learning & Development Specialist at Convergence Training. He's worked in learning and development for more than 20 years has been involved in safety training for more than 10 years, primarily with large manufacturing companies. He writes the Convergence Training blog and is currently a member of the group creating the upcoming ANSI/ASSE national standard on "virtual" or online environmental, health and safety training, Z490.2. | |
David Dodge Senior Scientist Gradient Corporation Mr. Dodge is a scientist specializing in applied toxicological research, risk-based human health evaluations, industrial hygiene, historical state-of-knowledge assessments, and risk communication. He is a Senior Scientist at Gradient, an environmental and risk sciences consulting firm. Mr. Dodge holds an M.S. degree in Public Health/Environmental Health Sciences and is board-certified in toxicology and in industrial hygiene. He is a Past Chair of the AIHA Toxicology Committee. | |
John Doyle Senior Account Representative 3M Personal Safety Division John Doyle presents a fun, interactive and motivational hearing conservation class. “ …This is not about work. This is about protecting your quality of life.” John has been in the safety industry for 16 years after more than 15 years in the healthcare industry. He is a Senior Account Rep for 3M in California and Nevada. John is CAOHC certified and has been a hearing protection specialist for most of his safety career. You will laugh! More importantly, you will take something valuable home to share with your family….how to protect your quality of life. | |
Jason Engelbrecht Safety Director McKinstry Jason Engelbrecht holds the position of Safety Director for the Western Washington Region in Seattle, Washington. He’s been in the safety industry since 2008 and has a bachelor’s degree in Safety and Health Management from Central Washington University. He joined the McKinstry team in 2011 and most of his career in construction safety. Jason has a passion for how safety leadership can impact employee safety. He feels the construction industry can achieve an incident-free work environment once safety becomes part of operations. Other industries have achieved world-class safety through operational excellence and personal commitment. Transforming the built environment will lead the construction industry to a world-class state. | |
Joe Estey Lucas Engineering and Management Solutions Inc. As Principal Performance Improvement Specialist for Lucas Engineering and Management Solutions, Joe Estey mentors and trains executives, managers and front line workers from a variety of industries on Human Performance Improvement and Leadership. Clients include national research and development laboratories, manufacturing plants, construction and demolition sites and one of a kind/first of their kind production facilities. As the recipient of three National Awards from the White House Executive Leadership council for his work in public outreach and education, he frequently speaks to public agencies, corporate and small businesses across North America. Serving as one of six members on the National Board of Directors for the Human Performance Root Cause Trending Organization (HPRCT.ORG), Joe works with principal investigators, managers and analysts from fields as varied as aviation, pharmaceutical, medical, manufacturing and power generation to implement best management practices for reducing the frequency and severity of human error. His book, The Tomorrow Tapestry, Life Woven on the Fabric of Change, was one of Publish America’s top ten business books in 2008 and has been used in leadership and organizational development courses throughout North America. | |
Terry Evans CSP, ARM, OHST Boise Cascade Terry Evans CSP, ARM, OHST A professional member of the ASSE and AIHA. Terry has had the privilege of working in a diverse range of industries from heavy construction in the oil sands of Canada, the insurance industry, governmental risk management and currently overseeing the safety program at a major wood products manufacturer during his 20 years in the safety and industrial hygiene profession. Behavior based safety means different things to different people but Terry has taken the approach that focuses on changing the mindset of the masses, group thought process vs. individual, to produce sustainable safety behavior change. This approach is constantly evolving and as a professional you must change with the new information on how people choose what they do with themselves in the work environment. We constantly strive to make our company’s a place where nobody gets hurt. | |
Thomas Faletogo The Boeing Company Tom is a Marine veteran with over a decade of experience in aircraft maintenance and safety assignments. He has practice instructing classes on safe work place practices and culture. Currently he is the P-8 safety champion and serves as the liaison between technicians and management to provide solutions for workplace hazards. | |
Greg Fisherkeller End-User Specialist Sales Northwest Greg Fisherkeller is the End-User Specialist for Sales Northwest. He represents Werner Ladder/Fall Protection, Knaak Boxes, and Weather Guard truck boxes. When not conducting safety trainings, Greg enjoys coaching youth football and spending time with his three boys and wife in Bothell, WA. | |
Daniel Foe Attorney Mullavey, Prout, Grenley & Foe, LLP Daniel joined the Seattle law firm Mullavey, Prout, Grenley & Foe, LLP in 2010 focusing on litigation, construction, fishing and maritime law, employment, and general business and corporate matters. Daniel represents a variety of maritime interests, including seamen, vessel owners, protection and indemnity pools, hull pools, and other marine-affiliated businesses. In addition to maritime work, Daniel routinely helps businesses and individuals who have been wrongfully denied coverage by their insurers. This includes providing coverage opinions, contesting denials of coverage, and the preparation and filing of complaints arising under the Washington Insurance Fair Conduct Act, Ch. 48.30, RCW. In his practice Daniel represents both homeowners and contractors in a wide variety of construction matters. Including the drafting and negotiation of construction contracts, and construction litigation. Daniel regularly assists contractors in the collection of unpaid bills, and homeowners in claims against contractors for defective construction. In employment matters, Daniel assists employers with navigating the complex web of rules and regulations that govern their relationships with their employees. Daniel frequently drafts employment manuals, employment contracts, and non-competition/non-solicitation contracts. In addition, Daniel has helped employers enforce their rights against employees engaged in unfair and unlawful competition, including bringing cases on behalf of businesses to enforce non-competition/non-solicitation contracts, and to enjoin violations of the Uniform Trade Secrets Act and the common law duties of employee loyalty and good faith. Daniel also aids employees who have been treated unfairly. Daniel has successfully represented seamen in claims for unpaid wages and successfully negotiated severance agreements for employees whose jobs were unfairly terminated. | |
Joe Forest Oregon Safety Director McKinstry BS Degree – Health Education from the University of West Florida in Pensacola, FL AA Degree – Liberal Arts from Martin Methodist College in Pulaski, TN Construction Experience – 17 years • 14 years on projects at a High-Tech Manufacture in Hillsboro Oregon (Contractor & GC) • 3 years with McKinstry | |
John Geppert WA Dept. of Labor & Industries John Geppert is the DOSH Voluntary Protection Program Manager and has been with the Department of Labor and Industries for over 30 years. He is a certified industrial hygienist and has a Master Degree in chemistry from the University of Washington. | |
Shonnessy Gilmore Director of Occupational Safety & Health JR Hayes Corporation Shonnessy Gilmore earned her Masters of Public Health in Environmental and Occupational Health at the University of Washington. She has been Director of Occupational Health and Safety at JR Hayes Corporation since spring of 2013. JR Hayes Corporation is a site contractor working on plats, deep hole excavations, utilities, and heavy civil construction. Shonnessy manages environmental health, industrial hygiene, and safety compliance for heavy equipment operators, utility crews, and laborers. | |
Rick Gleason Instructor UW NW Center for Occupational Health and Safety Rick has worked in the field of worker safety in the State of Washington for the last 39 years. He is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Washington in the Department of Occupational and Environmental Health Sciences where he has taught for the last 21 years. He is the Course Director for the Region X OSHA Pacific Northwest Training Center. He worked for both Federal OSHA and L & I DOSH as an inspector and consultant for 13 years. He is a Certified Safety Professional (CCP) and a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH). | |
Pete Goddard As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a member of the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress, Pete provides 75 Critical Incident Stress Debriefings each year to local businesses, construction sites, schools and sites of natural disasters. His background of being an EMT/Firefighter, teacher, a successful construction company owner, and 30 years experience being a therapist gives him a unique perspective when working with personnel who have experienced a traumatic event. He works with management to design programs that meet the needs of their employees with the least negative impact on production. | |
Kerri Godwin Procurement Analyst The Boeing Company Kerri Godwin is a Procurement Analyst with The Boeing Company. She has been with the company for 31 years. She is a member of the Incident Injury Free (IIF) Senior Leadership Team, the IIF Persistence Team and the Safety Steering Team. Why is Safety important to her? Safety should always be our top priority in our everyday lives. We need to look out for each other so that we can all make it home to our loved ones at the end of the day. She enjoys spending time with family and friends, boating, attending sporting events and volunteering for Special Olympics. | |
Patrick Goodman Safety Services Representative Great West Casualty Pat Goodman started with Great West Casualty in July 2015 as a Safety Services Representative. Prior to coming to Great West, Pat served 25 years in law enforcement, with time split between the California Highway Patrol and the Orange County District Attorney’s office. Pat spent 3 years with the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), focusing on fraudulent vehicle and cargo theft claims. Additionally while with NICB, Pat organized a 2-day Cargo Theft and Heavy Equipment Summit in Southern California. As a member of the California Highway Patrol, Pat spent a good portion of his career in commercial vehicle enforcement and cargo theft operations, which included conducting roadside commercial vehicle inspections and undercover cargo theft sting operations. Pat possesses a Master’s Degree in Homeland Security with an emphasis in Terrorism, Critical Incident and Crisis Management. Pat is a member of the Western States Cargo Theft Association and the California Trucking Association. | |
Ryan Goodspeed Area Manager Continental Mills Ryan Goodspeed is an Area Manager for Continental Mills, based in Tukwila, WA. He has worked in the manufacturing field for over eighteen years. He was chairman of the plant’s safety committee for over eight years, and remains actively involved in safety and safety improvements. Ryan has participated and led multiple safety teams, which include the Emergency Response (ERT), Lockout/Tag out, Job Hazard Analysis(JHA) and Ergonomics teams. Ryan enjoys hiking, playing soccer and spending time with family. | |
Jack Griffith Site VPP Coordinator Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council Jack Griffith is a Union Safety Representative and Site VPP Coordinator for the Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council (HAMTC). He is employed by CH2M HILL Plateau Remediation Company in Richland WA. Jack is a member of the Region X Voluntary Protection Program Participants Association (VPPPA) Board of Directors and holds the position of Treasurer. He also serves on National VPPPA Board of Directors as a Director at Large. Jack is also a member of Local 1951 Machinist local. Jack has been involved in the VPP program for over 21 years, he has help many companies achieve VPP Star recognition in the DOE-VPP and OSHA VPP. Star level recognition is the highest level of recognition attainable in the VPP programs. Jack is also a Special Government Employee (SGE) who assists OSHA with VPP Onsite reviews. | |
Jason Hagquist Safety Trainer Papé Material Handling Jason is a Safety Trainer and Equipment Accident Investigator for the Pape Group. | |
Abid Haq MD Medical Director for Occupational Health Kaiser Permanente Abid Haq MD, MPH, FACOEM Dr. Haq is the Medical Director for Occupational Health, Kaiser Permanente with oversight for 12 Occupational Health Clinics in Washington State. He joined Group Health since 2006, and became Medical Director in 2008. Prior to joining Group Health, he was with Kaiser Permanente Southern California for 10 years. He was the Chief of Occupational Medicine at Kern County Medical Center, Bakersfield, California where he started the Occupational Health program in 1997. He also served on the Board of Directors, Southern California Permanente Medical Group for 4 years. He is Board Certified in Occupational Medicine and Internal Medicine, and is a Fellow of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. He is the Past President of the Northwest Association of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. He has a Master’s in Public Health from UCLA and a Certificate in Medical Management from UW. He is therefore both a “Husky” and a “Bruin”. | |
0 | Shamus Harmon Trainer Employer Resources Northwest Shamus Harmon has spent the last decade dedicated to safety, primarily in the food production and long term care industries. After earning his Masters in Occupational Safety and Health he took on several roles: developing and managing employee safety and workers' compensation programs, benefits, and human resources projects. Shamus has also led quality assurance teams to engage facilities in overall operational improvement. For the past five years Shamus has worked as a trainer, traveling to facilities to work with their staff on best practices in their environment. |
John Hartnett Fall Protection Specialist 3M John is a safety professional with over 20 years of construction and industrial sales experience. He has spent the last 2-1/2 years in Fall Protection and played a large role in introducing the West Coast construction market to the concept of Fall Protection for Tools as a representative for Python Safety, which is now part of 3M. John is a life-long Puget Sound resident and in his spare time enjoys spending time outdoors with family and friends. | |
Vivian Hawkins MS, PhD DOH - Influenza and Legionellosis coordinator Washington State Department of Health Vivian Hawkins, MS, PhD Vivian Hawkins is the influenza and legionellosis coordinator at the Washington State Department of Health. She holds a PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology and a MS in Epidemiology, both from the University of Washington, and a BA in Biology from St. Mary’s College of Maryland. Before coming to DOH Communicable Disease Epidemiology, she worked in Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology at DOH and also as a Communicable Disease Epidemiologist at Public Health Seattle and King County. Vivian enjoys working closely with local health jurisdictions on case and cluster investigations. | |
Sherry Hayes-Peirce CEO Communication Consultants Inc Sherry Hayes-Peirce After nearly a decade as a television news journalist, she set her sights on filling her calendar with speaking dates and forging alliances with public speaking companies. She is now an internationally known speaker on social media. She was dubbed the Social Media Mobile Maven early on for her ability to help organizations harness the power of Social Media and how to apply it to every industry. In 6 short years she has presented to nearly 16-thousand people on varied topics. She is regularly rated as excellent for her ability to connect with members of her audience by weaving experiential activities into her sessions and challenging them to implement a personal action plan. Her social status has elevated her to guest blogger, guest lecturer and a recent article on "The Globalization of Social Media and How it Impacts Citizenship and Education" was published in the academic journal Academy Leadership. She believes that the key to success is setting goals in your mind and then writing them down – powerfully effective! | |
Kirk Hendrickson Regional Health, Safety and Environmental Manager Kapstone Paper Company Kirk Hendrickson is a Regional Health, Safety, and Environmental Manager for a country wide paper making and box manufacturer. Kirk has spent nearly 27 years in the papermaking industry as a paper mill hourly worker, a pulp mill supervisor, a mill safety coordinator, and a regional health and safety manager. Through that time he has seen many improvements in safety, but also many terrible injuries to friends and coworkers including two fatalities. Continuously pushing to improve workplace safety is a passion we must all take ownership in to drive it forward. | |
Tom Hoffmann WA State Dept. of Agriculture Tom was raised on a dairy, hog, and crop farm in Minnesota. He holds Bachelor of Science degrees in Agronomy and Soil Science and in Agricultural Education from the University of Minnesota. He was also awarded a Master of Arts degree in Vocational and Technical Education from University of Minnesota as well as a Master of Science degree in Organization Development from Central Washington University. Tom was an assistant production manager for a farm in southern Minnesota and for a seed farm in western Wisconsin. He was also a WSU Area Extension Educator for 16 years, serving in Whitman, Lincoln, Adams, Kittitas, and Yakima Counties. In 1998, Tom began his career with WSDA as the Technical Assistance Specialist and Statewide Program Coordinator for the Washington State Department of Agriculture's Chemigation and Fertigation Technical Assistance Program. In 2016, he assumed duties as the Education and Outreach Services supervisor within the Technical Services and Education Program. He is the department’s primary contact on soil fumigation and irrigation. His duties also include the federal Worker Protection Standard. | |
Ryan Hough Director of Standardization and Safety McKinstry Ryan Hough, Director of Standardization and Safety, joined McKinstry in 2015 with extensive leadership and management experience. He has a proven track record delivering tangible results in complex operational environments while effectively applying change management and continuous process improvements. As a quality leader, Ryan manages the company’s standardization, safety, risk management and quality assurance programs. He develops and implements strategies to make all the things McKinstry does more efficient and predictable. He is supported by a team of highly qualified professionals throughout the country to enable McKinstry to be an industry leader in identifying and mitigating jobsite risk. By implementing innovative rules and tools, Ryan and his team help drive the right behaviors for all work throughout the company. Prior to joining McKinstry, Ryan earned his bachelor of science degree from the United Stated Naval Academy, and qualified as a Naval Aviator with over 1,500 flight hours in the AV-8B Harrier. Ryan earned his master of science degree and was a distinguished graduate from the United States Marine Corps Command and Staff College. He has received a national writing award and has been published in five professional journals on topics ranging from leadership to the future of unmanned aircraft. | |
Sara Hough Process Safety Manager Shell Puget Sound Refinery Sara Hough, PE, is the Process Safety Manager at the Shell Puget Sound Refinery in Anacortes, Washington. She has a passion for process safety and human factors in the manufacturing workforce, including how people learn and retain information. Her background includes alarm management expertise, safety system design, and operational experience in the oil and gas, refining, and petrochemical sectors across the global within Shell. | |
Isaac Howard CHST Adjunct Instructor UW NW Center for Occupational Health and Safety Isaac comes to us with over 25 years in the fire service. He dedicated most of his fire service career to training firefighters and teaching fire and life safety programs to the public. As a Safety Specialist, Rescue Technician, and Emergency Management Consultant for Life Rescue Inc., and with his background in emergency services and industrial safety he spends much of his time supporting the site-specific workplace safety and emergency preparedness and response programs for a variety of companies and industries In his spare time, Isaac likes to combine his love for travel and teaching. He considerers himself fortunate in that he has been able to share his experiences by teaching in many different countries on topics as varied as health and safety to leadership and business management. | |
Ninica Howard Certified Professional Ergonomist WA Dept. of Labor & Industries Ms. Howard, a certified professional ergonomist, has been performing occupational health and safety research with the SHARP Program for over 18 years. A major area of research for Ninica is the identification and control of work-related musculoskeletal injuries and disorders. Since 2007, Ninica has been involved in research of WMSDs in healthcare. She has evaluated the impact of the WA Hospital Safe Patient Handling Law in Washington State, acted as coordinator of the WA Safe Patient Handling Steering Committee and was a member of the interprofessional group that developed the American Nurses’ Association’s Safe Patient Handling and Mobility National Standards. Ms. Howard also sits on the editorial board of the American Journal of Safe Patient Handling and Mobility. She has conducted field research in several healthcare settings, including hospitals, nursing homes and home care | |
Jenifer Jellison Program Manager Dept. of Labor & Industries Jenifer is the SHIP Program Manager and has been with the Division of Occupational Safety and Health and L&I for more than 17 years She worked in the Ergonomics Program and helped develop and implement a new safety and health outreach program. Jenifer is one of the original creators of the current SHIP program. Working as the senior and lead grant specialist in SHIP, she developed most of the operating procedures and policies. | |
Mandi Kime Director of Safety AGC of Washington Mandi is a CWU alumnus of the Safety and Health Management Program and currently serves as the Director of Safety for AGC of Washington. She also has a Bachelor’s degree in Spanish and teaches Spanish for Supervisors in the Construction Industry. Mandi has worked for AGC for 11 years in the Safety Department, helping members with safety programs, training, doing Safety Team inspections, working on legislative/ regulatory issues pertaining to safety and serving on various safety committees. Mandi enjoys spending time camping and traveling with her family including her husband, her 6 year old daughter and 2 year old triplets. | |
Walt Kulpa Risk Management Specialist WA Dept. of Labor & Industries Walt Kulpa has worked in a wide range of industries for over 40 years. These businesses include both hands on and management positions, in plastic injection molding, large-scale steel fabrication, and pulp and paper environments. He has worked professionally as an industrial electrician/millwright, tool & die shop supervisor, and safety manager. He is currently a Risk Management Specialist at the Department of Labor and Industries. He enjoys spending time with his wife Gretchen and is a long-time resident of Whatcom County. | |
Annie Lambert PharmD Pharmacy Manager, Oncology and Infusion Services MultiCare Health System Dr. Lambert has worked at MultiCare Health System in Tacoma, WA for 14 years. Currently as Pharmacy Manager for Oncology and Infusion Services, she oversees safe handling and preparation of hazardous medications in oncology pharmacies and all practice settings throughout the health system including acute care, ambulatory and retail areas. She is passionate about medication safety for both employees and patients and has been actively involved in hazardous drug legislation at the State and Federal levels. She enjoys partnering with leaders and colleagues to share best practices and provide education to the many roles that are impacted by hazardous drugs. When not at work, Dr. Lambert spends time with her family, including two boys ages 7 and 3, as well as cooking and gardening. | |
Dr. Jennifer Lincoln Director NIOSH Center for Maritime Safety and Health Studies Dr. Jennifer Lincoln is a dedicated Injury Epidemiologist, Captain in the U.S. Public Health Service and Director of the new NIOSH Center for Maritime Safety and Health Studies. She created the NIOSH Commercial Fishing Safety Research and Design Program. Over the past 25 years, she continually strived to provide the scientific information to develop tailored risk-reduction interventions. Lincoln is the recipient of several awards for outstanding contributions to improve fishing safety. | |
Amy Liu NFPA Certified Marine Chemist Sound Testing Inc. Amy Liu is a NFPA Certified Marine Chemist with Sound Testing, Inc.. She studied Chemistry at Seattle University and Industrial Hygiene at the University of Washington. She has worked with Sound Testing since 2003. | |
Chris Lorenz Deputy Fire Marshal Central Pierce Fire & Rescue Chris Lorenz, Deputy Fire Marshal, FF/SWAT Medic: Chris has worked around machinery and heavy equipment since High School. He worked as a Floorhand on an oil platform for 7 years before embarking on his fire service career in 1998. Chris moved to Washington State and has been employed with Central Pierce Fire & Rescue since 2000. He serves as member of the Pierce County Law Enforcement/Fire Joint Training Consortium which has spearheaded the regional joint training & response to active shooter events for over a decade as well as other cooperative operational and training objectives. Teaching at local, regional, state, and federal levels. He has served as a SWAT Medic since 2004. | |
Bruce Madsen President High Tech Sports Therapy Associates, Inc. Bruce is the founder and President of the risk management and peak performance consulting firm High Tech Sports Therapy Associates Inc. established in 1981. HTSTA has worked with over 170 of the Fortune 500 companies and Bruce Has worked as a human performance coach at 3 Universities and has helped hundreds of elite athletes avoid injury and maximize sport outcomes. His clients have included A. C. Green of the LA Lakers, Boeing, Nike, Tropicana, Conoco Phillips, BP, Dr. John Hazel, Orthopedic Surgeon for the Portland Trail Blazers. He has trained 256 World or National Champion Athletes | |
Bob Manlowe Attorney Williams Kastner Bob Manlowe is a member in Williams Kastner’s Seattle office. His practice involves Complex Litigation Management, ESI/e-Discovery consultation services, Crisis Management and Media Relations. Mr. Manlowe provides consultation services to numerous companies in the areas of complex litigation management and ESI/e-Discovery. Mr. Manlowe's experience in Crisis Management ranges from catastrophic incident response to high profile sports figure firing, to software piracy, as well as the resulting governmental and media investigations of these and many other matters. He currently serves on the Crisis Management Teams for several companies in the product manufacturing, construction and industrial sectors. Mr. Manlowe collaborates with his clients as their trusted advisor to set up high performance teams and is a leader in the use of technology systems to ensure the cost effective management of their claims. Mr. Manlowe has leadership background in safety as the Co-Chair of the Washington Construction Safety Task Force. He also co-authored the nationally recognized training video, “Safety on Trial.” Mr. Manlowe received the President's Award from the Associated General Contractors of Washington and the Washington State Governor's Construction Safety Award. | |
Leigh Manning MPH Senior Safety Management Consultant SAIF Corporation Leigh Manning is a Sr. Safety Management Consultant for SAIF Corporation and has 12 years of professional safety experience. Prior to working at SAIF, Leigh worked in Risk Management at Safeway, Inc. Leigh has a Master’s of Public Health from Portland State University. She works with the American Society of Safety Engineers, receiving a national Significant Contributor Award from the Health & Wellness branch of that organization in 2015. | |
Scott Marczynski Machinist and Safety Representative Kaiser Aluminum Trentwood Scott is a Machinist and Safety Representative for Kaiser Aluminum Trentwood Facility. Prior to Kaiser Scott started in the trades as an industrial electrician, later transitioning to the machinist craft. While working as a machinist at Kaiser, Scott became involved in safety 1991. Scott’s mission is to improve work place safety, and help his fellow team members to end each day safe and un-injured. Since 2004 Scott has been a full time safety rep. for Kaiser, is a certified Overhead Crane instructor and OSHA 10 and 30-hour instructor, additional expertise in machine guarding, ergonomics, crane rigging, mobile equipment and other topics. | |
Mr. John Marte, PE Sr. Electrical Engineer NW Utility Services John Marte, PE has worked extensively in Utility Electrical Distribution and Generation Systems. He has also worked in Industrial Electrical Power, Control and Instrumentation Systems in Pulp and Paper, Food Processing, Petrochemical and Nuclear Power Industries. Mr. Marte has taught Electrical Theory and Mathematics at the Jack Stewart PreApprentice Lineman School in Spokane, WA. His electrical career began by recieving an ASEE Technology Degree at a JR College which started a carrer as a construction and maintenance electrician in the offshore oil industry, a Metals Smelter and working in an Electrical Motor Rewind Shop. Mr. Marte worked his way thru college to a BSEE and completed 24 hours in Post Graduate Study. He holds Professional Engineering Registration in the States of WA, ID and MT. One of his passions, is Electrical Safety Training, for which he has a deeply rooted personal commitment. | |
Gregory Martin EHS Safety Project Manager The Boeing Company Greg is an Environment, Health and Safety Project Manager with the Boeing Company. Greg specializes in turning great safety ideas into real projects that significantly contribute to the improvement of safety across Company. These projects allow him to work with stakeholders across the world on many different topics. Greg is a Boeing Designated Expert, holds a Master of Science in Homeland Security, and is working towards a Doctorate in Emergency Management. His work experience includes domestic and international safety programs in the construction, manufacturing and oil industries. | |
Dede Montgomery MS, CIH Outreach and Education Program Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Science Dede Montgomery, MS, CIH has more than thirty years experience working as an industrial hygienist and safety and health professional. For the last twelve years, Dede has supported the Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Science's Outreach and Education Programs, including social media, while providing industrial hygiene technical expertise to its research. She is also the Outreach and Education Director for the BIOSH-funded Oregon Healthy Workforce Center and provides industrial hygiene support to OHSU Global Southeast Asia. | |
Scott Montgomery Batair Training Group Scott is one of the founders, owners and lead instructors of Batair Training Group. Scott works for Microsoft as the Program Manager of the Microsoft patrol car utilizing technology to keep officers safer and become more effective. Prior to coming to Microsoft, Scott was a police officer for 13 years. He was with the City of Bainbridge Island Police Department for three years where he cut his teeth in law enforcement. During his time on Bainbridge he became a field training officer and was assigned to the Marine Patrol in the warmer months along with normal patrol duties. After Bainbridge Scott lateralled to the City of Bellevue Washington Police Department where he was an officer for 10 years. At Bellevue, he again was a field training officer and became a collision reconstructionist, investigating felony level car crashes. Scott was also assigned to the SWAT team and was a scout / sniper as well as an entry operator. He developed and delivered several training programs for the department in the areas of Active shooter response and trauma care for front line officers. He was a certified Active Shooter instructor, a certified Drug Recognition Expert along with being a Standardized Field Sobriety Test instructor. Prior to law enforcement Scott was an entrepreneur and opened 5 successful coffee shops in Boise ID back in the late 90’s | |
Tracey Mosier Safety Manager for Facilities Services University of Washington Tracey Mosier is currently the Safety Manager for Facilities Services (FS) at University of Washington. Tracey has worked at the University in various health and safety positions for 27 years, and is a Certified Industrial Hygienist. | |
Syd Muzzy Traffic Safety Education Consultant PRESENT OCCUPATION: Traffic Safety Education Consultant and Driver Behavior Specialist Owner and Operator of 911 Driving Schools – Vancouver and Camas, Washington Adjunct Professor Central Washington University (Retired) LIFE EXPERIENCES Masters Degree in Education and Counseling College Adjunct Professor at Central Washington and Montana State Universities National Credential through ADTSEA and University of Indiana 2003 Past President of the Washington Traffic Safety Education Association High School Teacher- 40 Years HONORS Washington Traffic Safety Commission Lifetime Achievement Award 1998 Washington Traffic Safety Education Association Distinguish Service Award 1998 Outstanding Teacher and Contributor of the Year in the State of Montana 1994 Recognized As An Outstanding Teacher In The Battle Ground S.D. Candidate for Teacher of the Year in The Battle Ground School District Became an Official Cowboy Summer of 1991 (Earned his belt buckle) ACTIVITIES / HOBBIES • Enjoys Hiking, Woodworking, And Golf. | |
Teri Neely Consultation Operations Manager WA Dept. of Labor & Industries Teri Neely has been with the Department of Labor & Industries for 28 years. She currently serves as the Consultation Operations Manager. In addition to managing the Safety Through Achieving Recognition Together (START) program, she is responsible for communication to Federal OSHA on the day-to-day operations of the Consultation program and is the primary source for providing Consultation policy guidance for the statewide program to those who carry out the mission of promoting safe workplaces in Washington State. | |
Jim Nusser Safety Management Consultant SAIF Corporation Jim Nusser has been with SAIF for 13 years as a safety management consultant. Jim graduated from Oregon State University with a Master’s degree in Environmental Health and Safety Management. Jim has worked with companies in a variety of industries to improve slip/trip/fall prevention efforts. | |
Norm Nyhuis Safety Consultant and Instructor Evergreen Safety Council Currently semi-retired, but still working part time as a Safety Consultant and Instructor for Evergreen Safety Council. He has had a varied career, spanning back to the late 1960’s. The majority of his career has been in the field of automotive and truck repair and maintenance. He’s operated his own shop, worked for Ford, Chrysler, and Chevrolet dealerships, and started a 25 year long career, first as a truck mechanic, with Pacific Northwest Bell. He retired from the telephone company as a manager in the Safety and Computer Security arena. He was presented the Safety Professional of the Year award, for all of USWest, in 1999. Upon retirement he has worked as a safety and road supervisor for a special needs transportation company, and for a time as a Community Services Officer with the Pierce County Sheriff’s department. He enjoys serving on the Elder Board of Burley Bible Church, restoring antique and classic cars in his home shop, and along with his wife, caring for their property which has over thirty varieties of rhododendrons. | |
Mike O'Neil Director of Safety Lakeside Industries Mike O'Neil is the Safety Director for Lakeside Industries. | |
Michael Octave Director of Safety and Loss Control Employer Resources Northwest Michael Octave is the Director of Safety and Loss Control for Employer Resources Northwest, one of Washington State’s largest third party administrators for workers’ compensation. Michael is a graduate of West Virginia University and holds two Master Degrees. He has obtained both his Certified Safety Professional (CSP) and Construction Health & Safety Technician (CHST) from the Board of Certified Safety Professionals. He was past president of the American Society of Safety Engineers Puget Sound Chapter and is currently active with the Federal Way Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). Mike worked during his high school and college years in many industries including, retail, manufacturing, construction and other odd jobs during his career. Through his experiences, Mike developed a passion for safety to seek realistic and practical solutions for business. | |
Michael Peterson Gradient Corporation Michael Peterson is a board-certified toxicologist with Gradient, a human health and risk sciences consulting firm. He specializes in the evaluation of risks from human chemical exposures, including pesticides. He has evaluated risks from exposure to pesticides in a variety of contexts, including drift evaluations as well as occupational exposures from roadside and hand sprayer applications. His expertise also includes food safety, in particular the evolution of pesticide and other chemical residues in food or food contact materials. He resides in Leavenworth with his family. | |
Leslie Phillips PhD Director of Population Health and Safety Services SEIU 775 Benefits Group Leslie Phillips, PhD, is the Director of Population Health and Safety Services at the SEIU 775 Benefits Group. Dr. Phillips is passionate about data, health, safety, and using data to support the health and safety of Washington’s unionized Home Care Workers. Her background includes a Science Master’s in Health and Social Behavior from the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Heath as well as a doctorate in Epidemiology from the University of Washington. She has worked in several analytic and leadership capacities in public health and has experience in survey research, program evaluation, study design, public health surveillance, health equity, population health, and worker wellness. She has led the Benefits Group in formative research in understanding the root causes of Home Care Aide Injury and the testing of potential interventions for preventing such injuries. Dr. Phillips has lived in Pacific Northwest for over 15 years during which time she has acquired a sizable collection of rain gear. | |
Sara Podczervinski RN, MPH, CIC, FAPIC, Healthcare Associated Infections Program,DOH Washington State Department of Health Sara Podczervinski, RN, MPH, CIC, FAPIC Sara oversees the Healthcare Associated Infections Program at the Washington State Department of Health. She holds a Bachelors in Science and Nursing from Western Michigan University and Master’s in Public Health from the University of Michigan. Before coming to DOH, she worked at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance as an Infection Preventionist. In 2014, Sara was awarded the Infection Prevention Hero Award at National Association for Prevention in Infection Control (APIC) for her respiratory virus prevention work. She was designated Fellowship status through National APIC in 2016. | |
Matt Pomerinke Paper Maker Kapstone Paper Company Matt Pomerinke of Longview, Washington was 21 and working at a lumber mill when his arm was caught in an unguarded conveyor drive chain and ultimately amputated just below the elbow. Now the 38 year old Papermaker shares his story at businesses, schools, and conferences so his story doesn’t become yours. | |
Gary Purdom Executive Director Washington USL&H Assigned Risk Plan GARY PURDOM is the Executive Director for the Washington USL&H Assigned Risk Plan. Gary has over 35 years of insurance experience including roles as a regional executive for specialty Workers’ Compensation carriers and the chief operating officer for a national insurance broker. Gary was a founding member of the Washington USL&H Assigned Risk Plan Governing Committee in 1992. In the non-insurance maritime world, Gary has over 50,000 miles of blue water sailing experience. | |
Raymundo Rivas Safety Professional Ste. Michelle Wine Estates Raymundo Rivas has been a safety professional for nearly 15 years in both regulatory and private industry and is currently employed with Ste. Michelle Wine Estates as the Vineyard Safety Services Specialist. He has over 25 years of experience in and around the agriculture and construction industries. Raymundo is the former Statewide Agriculture Safety Technical Specialist and Safety Compliance Agent. His licenses and certification include but are not limited to - Ives Forklift Instructor, ASI ATV Instructor, Confined Space, Electrical Safety/Arc Flash, Excavation, Trenching and Shoring as well as Lock Out Tag Out trainer. | |
Don Robertson Safety and Risk Manager Gary Merlino Construction Don Robertson has 22 years of safety experience in the construction industry including 15 years as the Safety and Risk Manager for Gary Merlino Construction. He graduated from Central Washington University with a BS in Loss Control Management in 1995. | |
Randy Robinson Union Safety Representative Kaiser Aluminum Trentwood Randy is a Union Safety Representative at Kaiser Aluminum’s Trentwood works facility in Spokane, WA (12 years, 5 years as Safety). Randy holds a B.S. in Occupational Safety & Health and maintains third party licenses for Mobile Equipment, Overhead Cranes, and is an OSHA 10/30 Hour General Industry Trainer. Randy is Trentwood’s Co-Chair of the plants’ Overhead Crane and Safety Meetings Committees. | |
Todd Silva EHS Senior Leader The Boeing Company Todd Silva is an Environment, Health and Safety senior leader for the Boeing Company and is responsible for Workplace Safety Deployment. He has been with Boeing for 29 years and has been within the Safety and Health organization since 1995. | |
Don Sly Marine Chemist Sound Testing, Inc. Don Sly is an NFPA certified Marine Chemist. He possess two technical degrees: B.S. in Chemistry from Iona College and a M.S. in Chemistry from University of Notre Dame. He taught High School Chemistry for 7 years (Chicago) and was a Chemist in a testing firm for 3 years after moving to Seattle. He then became the in-house Marine Chemist for Todd Shipyards until 1979.
Don founded Sound Testing, Inc. in 1979 and currently employs 4 Certified Marine Chemists, serving the ship repair clients in Washington and Alaska States. Over the years Don has continued to work regularly, inspecting and certifying more than 20,000 Ship Repair projects.
In 1989 a rash of catastrophic fires in the maritime industry pointed up the need for a more thorough program of training in the OSHA Maritime (Ship Repair) standard. Working with local authorities, the USCG, as a contractor for the Navy, and as a representative of the Marine Chemist Association, Don created the core curriculum and wrote the text and supporting materials for presenting the OSHA-based Shipyard Competent Person program training.
To support the ship repair industry, Sound Testing has generously contributed the services of their Marine Chemists as they participated in hundreds of meetings of the local Fire Department, local industry, OSHA, NFPA, Marine Chemist Association, MACOSH and Insurance Boards.
For the past 3 years Sound Testing has published, under Don’s contribution and direction, the SCP TRIBUNE; a topical and educational newsletter to promote the standing and performance of the OSHA-Shipyard Competent Person.
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Andy Smith Batair Training Group Andy is one half of the founders and leading instructors of Batair Training Group. He is currently employed as a police officer for the City of Bellevue (WA) as a detective. Andy is an assistant team leader for Bellevue's SWAT Team. He has been a commissioned police officer for 15 years and a SWAT operator for 12. Andy has been a Field Training Officer, Active Shooter Instructor, trauma care for front line officers instructor, undercover detective and defensive tactics instructor. Prior to law enforcement Andy was enlisted in the US Navy. Andy prides himself as a very approachable down-to-earth instructor that leaves students educated with smiles on their faces. | |
Erich Smith Technical Expert WA Dept. of Labor & Industries Erich Smith is the LNI DOSH division’s technical expert, responsible for the department’s technical interpretation and application of the Washington Administrative Code related to the construction industry on a statewide basis. Previously, Erich was a safety compliance officer and safety compliance supervisor for the Division of Occupational Safety & Health in Region 2, Seattle. | |
Jami Smith Health and Wellness Professional The Boeing Company
Jami Smith has over 20 years of experience in the health and wellness industry with 13 years at the Boeing Company. During her time as a Health and Wellness professional, she has supervised multiple fitness centers, project managed hundreds of health events, has been invited as a guest speaker at the Puget Sound Chapter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics’ Society and the 2015 Washington Governor’s Industrial Health and Safety Conference, and currently manages wellness programming for the Fabrication division that comprises over 15,000 employees. Jami’s true passion lies in the connection of safety and wellness and strives to marry the two within her deployment of Boeing’s wellness programs and her frequent interfacing with executives. In her free time, Jami enjoys the outdoors, spending her time running, having completed three marathons, hiking the beautiful trails in the Pacific Northwest, and living an overall active and healthy lifestyle.
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Doug Stiffarm Safety Director Miles Resources Doug has over 30 years of construction experience. His construction experience includes the following but not limited to: earth moving, underground utilities, bituminous surface treatment, roadway grading, and asphalt paving. Supervisor of paving crew, driver dispatch, traffic control personnel; 12 years as director of safety on all projects; manage overall safety program, industrial insurance claims, drug and alcohol program, KOS (kept on salary) light duty program, coordinate safety with project managers, supervisors, foremen; attend pre-construction meetings; attend project weekly meeting. Doug has successfully managed safety on projects ranging in value from less than $1 Million to over $11 Million, within the Puget sound area. | |
Kiana Swearingen Training and Communication Specialist University of WA - SafeCampus Kiana Swearingen is the Training and Communications Specialist for SafeCampus, the University of Washington’s Violence Prevention and Response program. She trains the UW community on the topics of; relationship violence, stalking, sexual assault, suicide and workplace violence. She is Adjunct Faculty with the National Center on Campus Safety as a trainer for the Trauma-Informed Sexual Assault and Adjudication course. Previously Kiana worked for 10 years as a Domestic Violence Advocate and Prevention Educator in Seattle. | |
Jeremy Taylor Northwest EH&S Director Turner Construction Company Jeremy has been with Turner Construction for over 10 years and started his career as a Self-Perform Engineer. Prior to Turner construction he spent 6 years in residential construction as a carpenter and contractor. Jeremy is an AGC Safety Committee member and was awarded the Associated General Contractors Safety Person of the Year in 2016. Jeremy is active in a number of community and health based non-profits and currently serves on the Rebuilding Together board in Seattle. In his spare time he likes to go outside and play! | |
Ryan Thordarson Operations Manager The Boeing Company Ryan is an Operations Manager on the P-8 program at Boeing, he manages the final assembly of the P8 and functional testing. Ryan has specialized in LEAN+ and has earned several certifications while running workshops at Boeing. He was also trained by JMJ Associates as an Incident Injury Free Facilitator. Ryan holds a BA degree in Leadership from City University of Seattle. | |
Eric Tofte Industrial Safety & Health Trainer Evergreen Safety Council Eric Tofte, who is a Certified Occupational Safety Specialist (COSS) has worked for Evergreen Safety Council for over 15 years as an industrial safety & health trainer and consultant and is now Director of Training and Consultation for Evergreen. He has developed and wrote comprehensive safety programs in several subjects including: accident prevention, hazardous materials handling, hazardous materials emergency response actions, construction safety, confined space entry and rescue, fall protection, safety committee rules, personal protective equipment, emergency disaster preparedness plans and confined space entry and non-entry rescue. Eric has been a presenter and speaker at several conferences including the Washington State Governor’s Safety Conference, National Safety Councils National Congress and the Evergreen Rural Water Association annual conference. Prior to Eric’s time at Evergreen he was Deputy Director of Chelan County Emergency Management for over 12 years. During his career Eric has been responsible for assisting businesses in the Chelan County area in developing disaster response / emergency preparedness plans. He was instrumental in the development of Chelan County’s hazardous materials emergency response plan, trained public safety in hazardous materials response and was part of the hazmat team. Eric was also responsible for the development of the Chelan County comprehensive emergency management plan, during his time with Chelan County. | |
Bob Toohey Senior Manager of EHS & Security Continental Mills Bob is the Senior Manager of EHS & Security for Continental Mills, based in Tukwila, WA. He has been a practicing safety professional for twenty-five years. Bob has worked in the building materials, large equipment, and food industries. He has worked as an EHS consultant in the aerospace and Oil & Gas industries. Bob is on the Board of the Governor's Industrial Safety & Health Conference, has served on the Evergreen Safety Council Education Board, and is a member of ASSE. Bob is an avid mountaineer and long-distance runner. | |
Paula Towne CERT Program Coordinator Washington State, Citizen Corps Paula Towne, Washington State, Citizen Corps, Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program Coordinator: 25 years in retail management, 3 years as an Emergency Management Specialist at WSDOT and almost 4 years in current position. | |
Ali Vahed Safety Risk Analyst McKinstry Ali Vahed, Safety Risk Analyst, has spent the last year developing McKinstry’s interactive business intelligence (BI) dashboard as well as working on a Safety and Health Investment Project (SHIP) Grant to document innovative safe work practices for the mechanical trades. Ali holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in civil engineering with a minor in statistics. He has worked in multiple roles such as project engineer and safety engineer for General and Specialty Contractors in the construction environment. Ali has his Certified Safety Professional (CSP) and Project Management Institute - Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP) certifications and he is currently working on his Microsoft certificate in data science. He has experience conducting data analysis for a prevention through design grant by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Ali has been published multiple times in the Journal of Construction, Engineering and Management (JCEM) and has presented his research at both the 2014 Transportation Research Board (TRB) and the 2016 Construction Research Congress (CRC). | |
Paul Vierela Health, Safety & Environmental Specialist TOTE Maritime Paul Vierela is the Health, Safety, and Environmental Specialist for TOTE Maritime Alaska’s marine terminal operation in Tacoma Washington. TOTE Maritime Alaska has operated in the Jones Act trade since 1975 offering two roll on/roll off trailer ships for twice weekly service between Tacoma, WA and Anchorage AK. Paul has over 35 years of experience in the maritime industries including 22 years of ship repair and 8 years as a DOSH Region 8 Maritime Compliance Specialist. Paul also serves on the Governor’s Industrial Safety & Health Conference Maritime Safety Planning Committee. | |
Craig Walker Trainer CDS Truck School Craig Walker is the Campus Director of Commercial Driver School (CDS). Craig has worked in the transportation industry for 20+ years. He currently supervises the safety program at CDS and has been a Driver Trainer for 7 years. In addition, Craig has evaluated drivers and designed safety training protocols for post-accident driver retention. Craig is a member of the Tacoma Transportation Club (TCC), an organization that promotes our regions' trucking as an industry as a whole. He is active in assisting organizations like Goodwill with training to help prepare disadvantaged youth for gainful employment in transportation. He is a frequent speaker at Work Source offering insight into the often-overlooked shipping and logistics job market. | |
Jim Wetherbee Captain, USN Ret., NASA Astronaut (Former) A veteran of six space flights, James Wetherbee was the first American to command five space missions. He piloted the STS-32 Columbia and was mission commander on STS-52 Columbia, STS-63 Discovery, STS-86 Atlantis, STS-102 Discovery and STS-113 Endeavor. Selected by NASA in May 1984, Wetherbee became an astronaut in June 1985 and has since logged over 1,592 hours in space. Wetherbee left NASA in January 2005 to form Escape Trajectory LLC. In December 2006, he began working as a Safety Auditor with BP Global. James Wetherbee was inducted into the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame on May 2, 2009. | |
Janice Whitman Civil Rights Specialist WA State Human Rights Commission Ms. Whitman is a Civil Rights Specialist with the Washington State Human Rights Commission, where she began as an Investigator over 15 years ago. Her work includes providing Technical Assistance on Civil Rights Laws; Conciliation and Settlement Agreement Compliance; Case Investigation and Consultation; Training, Education and Outreach. Ms. Whitman is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin Law School, and an active member of the State Bar of Wisconsin. | |
Shawn Wolfe Health and Safety Leader The Boeing Company Shawn B. Wolfe has over 27 years of environmental, health and safety (EHS) experience with over 18 years of management experience. Shawn holds a Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing Engineering Technology from State University of New York (SUNY), Farmingdale, New York and an MBA with an emphasis on Leadership from UW Foster Business School. In his current position as Health and Safety Leader for the Boeing Company his team supports approximately 2,000 people in 737 Wings and P-8 in Renton, Washington. Shawn is happily married to a wonderful Filipina and has three delightful children. | |
Jason Wolfley Compliance Inspector WA Dept. of Labor & Industries Jason has been with the Dept. of Labor & Industries for 2 years as a Compliance Inspector S & H 3. He has previous experience as a safety and environmental health professional for many years in industry. Jason has seen many of the hazards and has developed corrective actions and programs for much of what you see in the industry. Jason also worked for 3 years as an instructor in safety and environmental health and has an understanding of how to convey messages to learners in a way that makes sense. | |
Mike Woltersdorf Risk Control Specialist Parker, Smith & Feek Mike is Parker Smith & Feek’s Risk Control Specialist and a Principal of the firm. His role is to develop proactive Risk Control programs designed to reduce exposures to hazardous or dangerous conditions that could lead to injury or property damage. He works with our Account Service Teams and clients to identify safety and risk control practices, and assists in implementing appropriate programs to avoid or limit loss. Typical areas of investigation include fire hazards, earthquake, flood, and other natural perils. Mike also serves as a resource in property valuations and is available to assist our clients in safety, disaster planning, and crisis management. He has a broad base of Loss Control experience, working with clients drawn from a wide range of industries. Mike consults with our largest clients on a regular basis throughout the year | |
Darry Woodson Health & Safety Institute Team The Boeing Company Darry works on the 737 Wing line for the Boeing Company. He is the lead of the area responsible for the customer shakes. Darry also sits on the Health Safety Institute Team which is a joint program between the company & our union. | |
Rebecca Yost University of Washington Rebecca (Becky) Yost marketing manager, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences (DEOHS) Continuing Education Programs, University of Washington School of Public Health Becky Yost has worked with the DEOHS Continuing Education Programs to grow their social media presence from the ground up by establishing a voice, generating exciting content, and engaging with power players and stakeholders. She uses her skills as a Communicology graduate from the University of Hawai’i to form powerful outreach messages and effective social media campaigns. Recent social media successes include the Heartbeat of Health and Safety Podcast and the ongoing #Safe2017 campaign. | |
Steven Yunker Safety & Health Specialist 4 WA Dept. of Labor & Industries Steve has worked for the Department of Labor and Industries for 24 years, first as a worker’s comp claims manager, then as a safety inspector, and now as a safety and health supervisor. Prior to L&I, Steve worked in the agriculture, commercial fishing, and cannery industries. His time in worker’s comp made him interested in actively working to prevent the injuries that he dealt with on a daily basis. | |