ORL 2018
Pre Conference Workshops - Tuesday 16 October

0800-0845 Arrival Tea & Coffee



Operating with Respect Course


ONIHL Assessments for ACC: The National Audit, New Developments, and Process Issues




Foundation Skills for Surgical Educators Course

You will need to register directly via RACS


0815 Welcome

0850 Introduction

0910 Case Study


Mr Jim Bartley, Associate Professor of ORLHBS, The University of Auckland; Otolaryngologist, Counties Manukau Health, Auckland, NZ

Associate Professor Patrick J.D. Dawes, President, NZSOHNS; Clinical Associate Professor ORLHNS, Dunedin School of Medicine and Dunedin Public Hospital, Dunedin, NZ

Dr Anne Greville, National Audiology Advisor, ACC, Auckland, NZ

Mr Peter Sherwen, Otolaryngologist, Tauranga, NZ

David Welch, Head of Audiology, The University of Auckland, Auckland, NZ

Dr Warwick Williams, Senior Research Engineer, Hearing Health, Sydney, Australia

 -     Welcome, Housekeeping and Brief

-     Noise - Measurement, Types of Noise

-     Noise Levels/Intensity, 3dB Doubling, Effect of Protection

-     Noise Induced Hearing Loss, Progression across Time, Exacerbating Factors, ACOEM Guidelines

-     Firearms and NIHL 

Sponsored by :

You will need to register directly via RACS


Session 1 – Learning

-         What is learning

-         Understanding learners

-         Adult learning theory

-         Involving learners

1000-1015 Morning Tea for OWR Course

1000-1030 Morning Tea for ACC Workshop

1045-1100 Morning Tea for FSSE Course  


Operating With Respect Course continued  


ONIHL Assessments for ACC continuted 


Foundation Skills for Surgical Educators Course continued

 1015 Building Respect

1115 Building Resilience

1145 Speaking up


-     Epidemiology ONIHL, with examples relevant to NZ working environment eg – worker group studies of hearing loss (Dutch builders)

-     Hearing Loss in the General Population, iso7029

-     Diagnosis of ONIHL – simple, difficult, Coles et al 2000

-     Susceptibility to ONIHL

-     Non-Occupational NIH


Session 2 – Teaching

-         Planning learning

-         Teaching strategies

-         Teaching in different clinical settings

-         Roles of the teacher

1215-1245 Lunch for OWR Course

1230-1330 Lunch for ACC Workshop

1300-1330 Lunch for FSSE Course 


Operating With Respect Course continued

1245 Speaking Up


ONIHL Assessments for ACC continued  

-     Apportionment – purpose, contributory factors, previous audiomentry

-     How ISO 1999 May Inform Apportionment, Limitations

-     How ISO 7029 may Inform Apportionment. Lutman et al - 2015



Foundation Skills for Surgical Educators Course continued 

Session 3 – Feedback

-         Effective feedback

-         Model for feedback

-         Practising feedback

-         Summary of lessons learnt

1500-1515 Afternoon Tea for OWR Course

1500-1530 Afternoon Tea for ACC Workshop

1500-1515 Afternoon Tea for FSSE Course 


Operating With Respect Course continued

1245 Speaking Up


ONIHL Assessments for ACC continued 

-     Case Studies Discussion and Feedback



Foundation Skills for Surgical Educators Course continued 

Session 4 – Assessment

-         Purpose of assessment

-         Formative and summative assessment

-         Strategy & tools

-         RACS assessment

-         Evaluation of teacher role

Welcome Reception



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Welcome Reception with sponsors/exhibitors