RI Europe 2017

RI Europe 2017 - Photography

Photography by Adrian Fisk

His blog and further photographs are available here



RI Europe 2017 - Plenaries

101 - Lead Sponsor Introduction - Aris Prepoudis, RobecoSAM
102 - Keynote Interview with Hiro Mizuno
103 - Plenary 1 - Matti Leppala, Julia Kochetygova, Nick Moakes, Con Keating, Edward Mason
104 - Plenary 2 - Rob Lake, Felix Lanters, Chris Greenwald, Remy Briand, Martina Macpherson
105 - Full house
106 - Keynote Presentation - John Rogers
107 - Plenary 3 - Raj Thamotheram, Benedict Buckley, Philippe Desfosses, Katrien Hooyman, Rakhi Kumar
108 - RI Europe 2017 Agenda
109 - Plenary 4 - Stephanie Pfeifer, Simon Dietz, Alice Garton, Willemijn Verdegaal, Dave Zellner
201 - Audience Q & A
202 - Plenary 5 - Fiona Reynolds, The Right Reverend David Urquhart
203 - Plenary 5 - Nick Silver, Ben Caldecott, Catherine Howarth
204 - Audience Q & A
206 - Audience Q & A
207 - Plenary 6 - Simon Zadek, Tim Mohin, Anne Simpson, James Featherby, Hugh Wheelan
208 - Plenary 6 - Tim Mohin, Anne Simpson, James Featherby
209 - Plenary audience

RI Europe 2017 - Streams

101 - Steam 1 a) - Morgan Gillespy, Marie Morice, Antoine Sorange
102 - Stream 2 a) - Silke Jolowicz, Hugh Wheelan
103 - Stream 2 c) - David Harris, Mark Thompson
104 - Stream 2 c) - Mike Tyrrell
105 - Engaged audience
106 - Stream 1 d) - Annie Bersagel
107 - Stream 1 d) - David Lunsford
108 - Stream 2 d) - Koen Van de Maele, John St Hill, Ruben Feldman
109 - Audience Q & A
201 - Stream 3 a) - Anne-Catherine Husson Traore, Ingrid Holmes, Mandy Kirby
202 - Full house
203 - Stream 3 d) - Oshni Arachchi, Hilde Jervan, Howard Pearce
204 - Stream audience

RI Europe 2017 - Exhibition Room

101 - RI Europe 2017 - Sponsors
102 - Lead Sponsor - RobecoSAM
103 - BNP Paribas
104 - ClearBridge Investments
105 - Device Charging Station sponsored by MSCI
106 - Northern Trust
107 - oekom research
108 - S&P Dow Jones Indices
109 - UBS Asset Management
201 - View of Big Ben from Exhibition Room
202 - Networking
203 - Device Charging Station sponsored by MSCI
204 - Philippe Desfosses and Hiro Mizuno utilising meeting space
205 - AMNT
206 - Carbon Delta
207 - ERI Scientific Beta
208 - FTSE Russell
209 - ISS - Ethix
301 - Leaders Arena
301 - Sustainalytics
302 - Sycamore Asset Management
303 - Vigeo Eiris
304 - PRI
305 - The University of Sydney
306 - Big Ben and The River Thames
307 - Networking
308 - Vegetarian lunch
309 - Networking Lunch sponsored by BNP Paribas
401 - Dessert
402 - Networking
403 - Cocktail Reception sponsored by RobecoSAM
404 - Cocktail Reception sponsored by RobecoSAM

RI Awards & Dinner