Safer Internet Forum 2016

Please see the agenda of the event below. When registering, you will be prompted to select the parallel session you wish to attend.

You can download a pfd version of the agenda here.


Thursday, 24 November 2016

09.00 – 09.30

Arrival and registration

09.30 – 09.45

Opening remarks

Javier Hernández-Ros, Acting Director, DG CONNECT, European Commission

Eric Krier, BEE SECURE/National Youth Service (SNJ)

09.45 – 11.00

The cyber effect – where is the digital revolution taking us?

This session will cover a variety of subjects, ranging from the significant benefits of being online to the impact of screens on the developing child, through to the explosion of teen sexting and the acceleration of compulsive and addictive behaviours online. Professor Mary Aiken will also make references to some of the issues raised within her recent book ‘The Cyber Effect’.

A panel of respondents will discuss the issues raised with an opportunity for comments from the audience.

Keynote speaker: Professor Mary Aiken, University College Dublin


Paul Cording, Vodafone

- João Pedro Martins, Youth participant

Chair: Will Gardner, UK Safer Internet Centre

11.00 – 11.30

Coffee break

11.30 – 12.30

Parallel sessions A: From ethical considerations to real-life implications

A1: Hate speech and radicalisation online

A ‘code of conduct’ on countering illegal hate speech was agreed earlier this year to ensure that industry responds quickly to illegal content. Beyond countering illegal hate speech online, additional actions may be taken to prevent the spread of hatred online. Media literacy seems to be one of the key tools to promote critical thinking and to train youngsters on how to use internet and social platforms.

Chair: Hans Martens, Insafe


- Christel Mercadé, DG JUST, European Commission

- Kira O’Connor, Twitter

- Adina Braha-Honciuc, Microsoft

- Ewa Thorslund, Swedish Media Council

- Guðný Rós, Youth participant

A2: The commercialisation of childhood

Children and young people are increasingly exposed to sophisticated online marketing techniques. Meanwhile, the technical features of the internet have made it possible for digital platforms to collect and monetise large amounts of personal information. This panel will look at trends in data collection, advertising and marketing, exploring possible risks and responses.

Chair: BarbaraÖIAT


- John Carr OBE, eNACSO

- Liselot Hudders, Ghent University

- Verolien Cauberghe, Ghent University

- Vernon Jones, MovieStarPlanet

A3: Does technology facilitate or eradicate child sexual abuse online?
How have advances in technology facilitated the sharing of illegal content online? From live streaming of abuse to the exploitation and sexualisation of seemingly innocent images, this session will explore the current challenges and solutions.

Chair: Arda Gerkens, Expertisebureau Online Childabuse


- Bruno Jakic, AI Applied

- Anette Paavilainen, Europol

- Maaike Pekelharing, Knowledge Institute for Online Child Sexual Abuse

12.30 – 14.00

Lunch break

14.00 – 15.15

Parallel sessions B: Policies and practices

B1: Harmful but not illegal

There are many examples of ‘problematic’ online content and behaviour which is not illegal per se, but particularly disturbing and often harmful to some. The main social networking providers have community guidelines which help users to understand what is acceptable on their platforms – but is this enough? How do we deal with content and behaviours that do not break the law but which most people would deem to be offensive or harmful? A multi-stakeholder panel will set the scene by discussing a number of recent high-profile incidents and controversies, while identifying the roles and responsibilities of those involved. This model will be replicated across parallel table discussions, with participants working towards a set of rules, procedures and strategies to tackle possibly harmful content and behaviour.

Chair: Karl Hopwood, Insafe


- Nelli Kongshaug, Red Cross

- Neil Melhuish, NetSafe

- Marc van der Ham, Google

- Patrick Geary, UNICEF

- Rehana Schwinninger-Ladak, DG CONNECT, European Commission

B2: EU regulatory frameworks

Online trust and confidence is a strategic element of the Digital Single Market, with a range of new or updated regulatory frameworks being put in place to provide better access for consumers and businesses to online goods and services (e.g. GDPR, AVMSD, e-Privacy Directive). This panel session will explore how far ongoing legislative work properly addresses the needs of children and young people. It will also consider which stakeholder mechanisms can be put in place to ensure greater awareness of relevant implications, while facilitating implementation and/or enforcement at the national level.

Chair: Rachel O’Connell, Trust Elevate


- Eva Lievens, Ghent University

- Krisztina Stump, DG CONNECT, European Commission

- Ľuboš Kukliš, Council for Broadcasting and Retransmission

- Martin Drechsler, FSM

B3: Working with law enforcement

Despite increasing collaboration among various stakeholders fighting CSAM worldwide, there is still much to be done. Many countries still lack proper legislation to address CSAM while further efforts are needed to better investigate it, prosecute offenders, protect child victims and remove illegal online content even faster. Now is the time to start investing more efforts in prevention. CSAM is not only produced, it is also consumed and distributed. Awareness raising and prevention efforts should, therefore, focus on the different potential actors involved ranging from consumers, distributors, producers to the victims themselves and the digital citizens who must be empowered to report CSAM. This session will consider prevention and awareness raising from these different perspectives.

Chair: Verónica Donoso, INHOPE


- Mike Sheath, Lucy Faithfull Foundation

- Nina Vaaranen-Valkonen, Save the Children

- Maggie Brennan, University College Cork

- Derek Perkins, Broadmoor Hospital

- María Sánchez, Europol

15.15 – 15.45


15.45 – 17.00

BIK to the future

What does the future hold? Three speakers will address the following questions:

1. Which ‘big’ tech launch should we look out for, from a better/safer internet perspective?

2. What new challenges can we expect from it?

3. Can we continue with the same messages and approaches, or is something new needed?

Moderator: Kate Russell, BBC


- Martin Schmalzried, COFACE

- Chris Felton, Home Office

- Tony Burns, Intel


Close of Safer Internet Forum 2016

Marco Marsella, Head of Unit, DG CONNECT, European Commission

