WCO IT/TI 2019 Conference and Exhibition
Name of the recipient organization: The State Customs Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Address: Zip: AZ1073. Azerbaijan. Baku. Inshaatchilar ave. 2
Contact person: Mr. Dilavar Farzaliyev (Head of the External Relations Department)
Email: international@customs.gov.az
Tel: (+99412) 404 67 72
Mob: (+99455) 793 01 95
Mob: (+99455) 210 20 04
On any boxes shipped to the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan please mention IT/TI Conference 2019, to the attention of Mr. Farzaliyev, and insert your name, the company name AND the Exhibition booth number.
You can send your material 20 days prior to the event; i.e to arrive in Azerbaijan (Baku) on Monday 20 May 2019. Materials should be returned/picked-up by couriers no later than the first work week after the event; i.e. by Friday 21 June.
Please follow up on your shipment directly with Mr. Dilavar Farzaliyev at: international@customs.gov.az and inform how many boxes were sent.